What Were They Thinking? California Mandates Electric Vehicles Then Orders People to Stop Charging Them

Just days after California mandates electric vehicles, the State orders people to stop charging them due to power shortages.

Just Days After California Mandates Electric Vehicles – The State Orders People to Stop Charging Them Over Power Shortage

Recently California announced the state intends to outlaw the production and sale of new gas-powered vehicles. And this announcement has already encouraged residents to buy expensive electric vehicles.

From Breitbart:

California will suffer an energy shortage and “Flex Alerts” through Labor Day due to high temperatures, and residents will be asked to conserve electricity during afternoons and evenings, which means refraining from charging electric vehicles, among other uses.

Seriously! California is pushing extreme rules that will ban new gas vehicles by 2035.

Anyone who wants to buy a new car will have to purchase an expensive EV.

But this summer, the state is literally begging residents not to charge their electric cars, because of POWER SHORTAGES.

Is California run by children? Did nobody anticipate this situation?

California has shut down just about every fossil fuel-burning power plant they had. They rely on “green” energy to power their cities (when they’re not buying electricity from states with oil and coal plants).

But, as we’ve seen all over the country, green energy is nowhere near close to supplying enough energy to America.

Even in Texas, the “energy” state, the power companies begged residents to ration their energy consumption during the hottest parts of the Summer (25% of Texas’ energy comes from wind and solar).

At the very worst, gas car owners have to pay more at the pump. They aren’t denied a chance to drive.

Yet anyone foolish enough to purchase an EV in California could have days when they can’t drive because the state has no electricity.

Final thoughts: Could California malfeasance have errored any worse? The Left is saying: ‘Buy EV and trust us to devise ways for you to keep them running.’ Are those in leadership positions out there really this stupid or are they being paid off by those seeking to bring this once-great nation to its knees?