Democrats Forced To Retract Criticism Of Biden’s Handling Of Ukraine

If the liberal media isn’t allowed to criticize Joe Biden you know members of his own party can’t do it. Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus sent a letter yesterday criticizing the way Biden has handled the war in Ukraine. Today, they fully retracted that criticism.

A Monday letter from the CPC read in part:

“Given the destruction created by this war for Ukraine and the world, as well as the risk of catastrophic escalation, we also believe it is in the interests of Ukraine, the United States, and the world to avoid a prolonged conflict.”

“For this reason, we urge you to pair the military and economic support the United States has provided to Ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push, redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire.”

As The Hill reports, CPC Chairwoman Pramila Jayapal issued a retraction on Tuesday:

In an unusual backtrack, Jayapal and the CPC sought to clarify their request by issuing a new statement later Monday reaffirming their support for Ukraine and support for Biden’s handling of the war.

In that letter, Jayapal wrote: “We will continue to make clear, we support President Biden and his administration’s commitment to nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.”

Huh? That makes so little sense it looks like it actually came from Biden. The point however is that the CPC walked back their criticism of Joe in less than 24 hours.

Even funnier, Jayapal threw her staff under the bus over this: “The letter was drafted several months ago, but unfortunately was released by staff without vetting.”

On Monday the CPC was like: Biden is not doing a good job.

On Tuesday the CPC was like: Biden is doing an awesome job.

That’s a pretty quick flipflop, even for democrats. What could have possibly changed their minds that quickly?

Well, there’s this hilarious reason:

Progressives worked over the summer to get nearly three dozen House Democrats to sign off on a letter that would call into question President Biden’s handling of Ukraine and urge him to engage diplomatically with Russia, according to two sources directly familiar with the negotiations. 

At the time, the midterms were on the back burner, according to both sources, who said the group of lawmakers didn’t have Nov. 8 on their minds at all when they crafted their request.

“They waited to get about 30 and released,” one source texted The Hill on Tuesday morning, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal negotiations. “Didn’t consider election timing.”

So, basically the CPC’s beliefs only count when it’s not near an election. Man that is is some strong ass conviction.

Another reason for this betrayal of their values probably had something to do with this:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) released a lengthy statement on Tuesday reiterating the need for continued support for Ukraine, after attending the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform.

The progressives went rogue and Nasty Nancy kicked them a new one. Suddenly it all makes sense.

It’s also a perfect example of how democrats literally stand for nothing. All of their beliefs and opinions are based on what they think people want to hear and change with the political winds.