AOC Cries That Democrats Haven’t Pandered Latino Voters Enough

The least likely complaint against the democrats is that they haven’t pandered minorities enough, but that’s exactly what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is crying about. According to the dimwit NY Rep., democrats haven’t reached out to Latino voters. The truth is, they have but screwed it up royally, just like they do with everything else.

The Hill reports:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) says her party has never made an effort to win over Hispanic voters.

Speaking on Tuesday’s “Pod Save America” podcast, Ocasio-Cortez addressed why she thinks some Democratic voters are leaving the party.

“I can at least say with Latino voters, we’ve never tried as a party. The Democratic Party has not tried in terms of Latino electorates,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “We really need to step up both in our efforts on campaign, but also in our efforts in governance.”

I have a feeling this complaint is related to the people of AOC’s district, most who are Latino, turning on her recently.

Democrats have spent plenty of time reaching out to Latino voters. In fact, Joe Biden has destroyed our country’s sovereignty in a failed attempt to woo Latinos to the democratic party. What do you you think the whole open borders policy and failure to enforce our immigration laws is all about?

The problem is, democrats think Latinos want their neighborhoods flooded with 3rd world scumbags because they are also Latino. The reality of this is that nobody wants to be overrun by gang members, rapists, and killers, regardless of their ethnicity.

Another thing democrats don’t seem to get is Latinos are socially conservative. They believe in strong families and don’t support killing unborn babies. Like most everyone else, they don’t want drag queen strippers in their children’s school. Since all democrats have to offer is abortion and LGBT grooming, many Latinos are realizing it’s not the party for them.

Then there’s that whole “Latinx” thing. Latinos are offended by the gender-neutral term but for some reason democrats keep pushing it on them. Even AOC threw a temper tantrum over people refusing to use “Latinx.”

“In the spirit of pride I wanted to have a note on gender inclusivity Spanish language people sometimes like to make a lot of drama over the term ‘Latinx,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “Gender is fluid, language is fluid…Don’t have to make drama over it.”

And yet all AOC does is make drama over everything.

The biggest issue here is that democrats are trying to treat Latinos like they’re black people. You can placate black voters by painting a “Black lIves Matter” mural in the street and renaming an elementary school after Michelle Obama. Latinos actually give a shit about stuff like the economy, crime, and, yes, illegal immigration.

Here’s a thought: treat Latino voters like they are people, not victims. I hate to give democrats advice but then again they never learn so it doesn’t matter.

This AOC saying that democrats have tried nothing and they’re all out of ideas.

Also, what the hell is AOC talking about that democrats have never reached out to Latino voters? Remember when Jill Biden called Latinos “breakfast tacos?” If that’s not reaching out, I don’t know what is.