Old Video Emerges of Obama Boasting: ‘We Got Democrats in Charge of the Machines’

An old video of Barack Obama has emerged that shows the former president boasting that “we got [d]emocrats in charge of the [voting] machines.”

This from slaynews.com.

The newly-discovered old video appeared of Obama giving a campaign speech at Kent State University during the 2008 election.

Obama sought to ease concerns about potential Republican victories by telling the crowd of democrat communist voters in Ohio that they needn’t worry.

He explained that democrats communists control the election voting machines in Ohio.

The then-Illinois U.S. senator continued by claiming that:

Republicans have monkeyed around with elections in the past.

Before admitting that:

[S]ometimes [d]emocrats have too.

Obama said:

I tell you what, it helps in Ohio that we got [d]emocrats in charge of the machines.

But look, I come from Chicago so I want to be honest.

It’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past, sometimes [d]emocrats have too.

Whenever people are in power they have this tendency to try to, you know, tilt things in their direction.


Obama won Ohio in 2008 and 2012.

Since then the bellwether state has voted solidly Republican. And have Republicans investigated this? No doubt, not a fat chance.

Final thoughts: Beyond a doubt Obama’s people cheated. He illegitimately won both of his terms. And without question Obama occupied his eight years filling all of U.S. government with communist sycophants and idealists who totally lack sound ethical standards.

This is ‘Change We Can Believe In: Barrack Obama’s Plan to Renew America’s Promise.’

Sadly, Republicans are all like naive children—unable to properly respond to these extra-constitutional rules of political elections.