Alyssa Milano Trades ‘White Supremacist’ Tesla For Nazi-Founded VW

Like most liberals, D-list actress Alyssa Milano is having a meltdown over Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. The veteran Trump-resister doesn’t much care for the lifting of censorship on the social media platform and is fighting back. Milano claims she “gave back” her Tesla because it’s made by a white supremacist and then got herself a VW. Who wants to tell her?

Alyssa Milano will not stand for free speech for everyone on Twitter and this is what she’s doing about it:

How the hell do you give back a Tesla? I’m pretty sure, like all car companies, their policy is that once you’ve bought it, you own it. I doubt they give refunds for ideological hissy fits.

Maybe that’s not the biggest problem here. Milano is saying the Elon Musk, owner of Twitter and Tesla, is a white supremacist and therefore she can’t in good conscience drive his electric vehicles.

Like it or not, Musk is actually an African American who built his companies from the ground up and employs tens of thousands of people. His motivation is innovation not white supremacy.

On the other hand, Volkswagen was literally founded by Nazis Here’s some fun info courtesy of Wikipedia:

Founded in 1937 by the German Labour Front under the Nazi Party…

…Adolf Hitler became involved, ordering the production of a basic vehicle capable of transporting two adults and three children at 100 km/h (62 mph). He wanted a car every German family would be able to afford. The “People’s Car” would be available through a savings plan at 990 ℛℳ (US$396 in 1938)—about the price of a small motorcycle (the average income being around 32 ℛℳ a week).

It soon became apparent that private industry could not turn out a car for only 990 ℛℳ. Thus, Hitler chose to sponsor an all-new, state-owned factory…

Just look at how proud Hitler was of his Volkswagen:

So Alyssa Milano won’t drive a Tesla because the founder of the company freed a social media platform but she lovers her VW, which was founded by someone who killed 6 million Jews?

Taking it a step further, Milano rejects Elon Musk because he stopped the censorship of conservatives on Twitter, but embraces Adolf Hitler who violently crushed all dissenting ideas and opinions. I don’t know if that’s irony but it’s definitely stupidity.

In addition to founding VW, Hitler also founded white supremacy with his published views on the Aryan “Master Race.” Elon Musk on the other hand founded an online paying system and a cheaper space exploration company.

All of the is just a long way of saying that Alyssa Milano is the queen of the Hollywood dipshits. Her TDS was something to behold but this Twitter meltdown is the all-time dumbest liberal temper tantrum. She’s giving Hilter a hand job in an attempt to own a champion of free speech.