The RNC Had Only One Attorney on Ground in Nevada the Day After the Election—Pulled Out of AZ—With 30%-60% Broken Machines, And Let the GOP Candidates Bleed Out

Author and attorney Kurt Schlighter joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Friday morning.

The issue: What the hell has happened to the Republican National Committee?

This from


Kurt told Steve that the RNC had ONLY ONE attorney on the ground in Nevada the day after the midterm election in 2022.

Republicans were leading every democrat communist in the state in all of the major races following election day.

The communists came back days later and stole every single race except the governor’s race.


The Republican National Committee was already long gone.



This wasn’t the first time we have seen this take place.


Back in 2020, communists were soundly defeated on Election Day. Then they locked the doors on the counting rooms and continued to drive truckloads of mysterious ballots into the counting centers. Only when they took the lead in each battleground state did they call the election for basement dummy Joe Biden.


GOP officials had already fled the scene then too.


Then on January 6, 2021, when a million conservative voters joined President Trump at the Ellipse in Washington DC, the GOP skipped town again.

Ronna McDaniel and the GOP elites went to their winter retreat at the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island in Florida.

Fast forward to 2022… The Elections in Arizona were a chaotic disaster. There were thousands of reports of voter suppression.

At least 30%, and up to 60%, of the voting centers in Maricopa County, had tabulators and/or printers that were inoperational on Election Day.

Voters were locked out of voting rooms.

They were told to vote elsewhere, then told to return to their original voting center.

The printers were broken down.

They were tossing ballots in boxes and black bags and mixing them with counted votes.


“This was a textbook case of voter suppression.”


Kari Lake and her attorneys were left to fight this battle for fair elections by themselves.


The GOP went AWOL again.


According to Floyd Brown, a conservative activist and Chairman of the Board of Citizens United:

Orders came down from Washington, D.C., to the office of GOP Chairwoman, to stand down.

They left the Arizona candidates and voters on the field to bleed while they scampered back to D.C. or went on vacation.

And so once again, the conservative voters were left to fend for themselves.


Communists stealing votes and the GOP had left the crime scene.


The question is not whether we need new leadership at the RNC. The question is ‘Who and how much bribed Ronna McDaniel to shirk her responsibilities and abscond each stolen election scene?

Further, who in their corrupt, traitorous mind allowed Bloody Ronna to repeat her bribery-instilled behavior?

AND which collection of backstabbing, traitorous RINOs will vote to allow Bloody Ronna to repeat her dastardly deed yet another time?

The GOP is led by a collection of suicidal RINOs set on fattening their wallets at the expense of Our Constitutional Republic.

Obviously, ethics and morality are absent from both RINO and communist/globalist political parties.

What is an irate God-fearing Conservative to do?