Op-Ed: Gen. Flynn Exclusive—One Rule House Just Adopted IS Set to Expose FBI, DOJ, Intel Deep State

The mass propaganda media purposely misrepresented the 15 votes required to elect Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House as evidence of a dysfunctional Republican Party.

This from westernjournal.com.

Call if ‘catatonic fright,’ call it ‘finally reading the handwriting on the walls,’ call it ‘simple stupidity,’ or call it for what it is—‘another liberal attempt to coverup the truth.’

The talking heads repeatedly [misconstrued] that heroic battle as a personality conflict, or a fight for certain members to be appointed to certain committees.

The resistance offered by members of the House Freedom Caucus was the very impetus that led to the adoption of a vitally important House rule which may provide us one more opportunity to restore much of our Constitutional Republic.

That one rule alone, which Speaker McCarthy now supports, could lead to the exposure of the long train of abuses that have been visited on Americans by a politicized FBI, Justice Department, and the larger security state.


For the past six months, the organization I have the privilege to head, America’s Future, has been conducting an examination of how two components of the federal government have been weaponized against the American people.

The results have been published in a series of 18 reports called “Unequal Justice Under Law,” which have focused on the FBI and the DOJ.

Those reports provide important context as to exactly what needs to be exposed and reformed.

In fact, the most recent of these reports, issued Jan. 6, 2023, called for the creation of a new “Church Committee,” which is very much like what we hope the Weaponization Subcommittee will be. A review of history from nearly a half-century ago is instructive.

The Church Committee, named after its chairman, Sen. Frank Church (D-ID) was created in the aftermath of President Richard Nixon’s resignation in August 1974.

On Dec. 22, 1974, New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh released the first in a series of articles that a book by professor Loch Johnson describes as having “accused the CIA of massive ‘spying’ and illegal intelligence operations directed against … American dissidents.” A massive public outcry resulted, in response to which the Senate created the Church Committee.

The committee discovered Orwellian spying by intelligence agencies, including the CIA’s Operation Shamrock, which at that time was:

[P]robably the largest governmental interception program affecting Americans ever undertaken. Agents of the National Security Agency were reviewing 150,000 telegrams monthly.

Consider the fact, that’s quite a large number utilizing the level of technology at the time.

The committee discovered the CIA’s Operation MKUltra, which involved “mind control” experiments generally centered on behavior modification via electroshock therapy, hypnosis, polygraphs, radiation and a variety of drugs, toxins and chemicals. In 1957, one CIA officer wrote of the MKUltra program:

Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general. The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and would be detrimental to the accomplishment of its mission.

Today at issue is the “unethical and illicit” activities of the deep state having become much worse.

And the desire of deep state operatives to hide their evil acts through abuses of the system by which documents are classified continues.

No doubt, if Elon Musk had not purchased Twitter and arranged for independent journalists to expose the collusion between big government and Big Tech, the new Weaponization Subcommittee would never have been created.

Now we may have our best chance to derail the campaign of fear and intimidation that the deep state continues to wage, not against lawbreakers, but against hundreds of:


 January 6ers who merely rallied to petition their government.


As many have said:

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.


Millions of Americans agree: Our federal government is broken.


At a minimum, this means the government has abandoned its biblical role to punish evildoers and praise them that do well (1 Peter 2:14).

In fact, our federal government has inverted this role, as it praises evildoers and punishes those who do well.

Another biblical principle that has been inverted is the notion that the leaders serve the people. Now the people are required to give homage to the leaders (1 Peter 5:3).

Senator Church stated in 1975:

Hiding evil is the trademark of a totalitarian government.

There is no more pernicious threat to a free society than a secret police which is operating beyond the law.

… If these abuses had not been uncovered and had the agencies gone unchecked, we might well have seen a secret police develop in the United States.

Once that begins, the Constitution itself is in very real danger.

Church was right in 1975. His words are exponentially more on point in 2023, as advances in technology and a horribly bloated federal security state have only expanded the government’s ability to destroy Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights.


The Weaponization Subcommittee may provide us

the opportunity to expose evil and enact necessary reforms.


We must be mindful, however, that the deep state will not willingly allow itself to be reformed. We may be forced to disband entire programs, entire agencies.


Final thought: Creation of a committee, investigation of evil, and presentation of facts do not ensure change, so we must be prepared to fight for the life of our Constitutional Republic.