Eric Swalwell Cries About Getting Kicked Off Intelligence Committee

The House Intelligence Committee is woefully misnamed, considering how many idiots are on it. Luckily, it will have one less dummy as new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has kicked Chinese spy aficionado, Eric Swalwell, to the curb. Naturally the dullard democrat is crying about how “unfair” this all is.

McCarthy actually gave Swalwell, Adam Schiff, and Ilhan Omar the boot from the Intelligence Committee, which is the smartest thing he’s ever done. Schiff is a leaker and liar who is is a national security risk, and Omar is an anti-Semite with ties to terrorist organizations.

As for Swalwell, he banged Chinese spy, Christine “Fang Fang” Fang and has no business being anywhere near the Intelligence Committee.

“Swalwell can’t get a security clearance in the private sector. I’m not going to give him a government security clearance,” commented McCarthy.

Swalwell brought his tears to Twitter in reaction to getting ousted:

Vengeance against who? The Chinese Communist Party?

The easiest way to maintain a spot on the Intelligence Committee is to not get compromised by a Chinese spy. The second easiest way is to not bang a Chinese spy.

Swalwell then took his tears to MSNBC, where host Chris Hayes asked him about getting the boot:

“Chris, the only person who supports this is my wife, who’s like, ‘Great, you’re gonna be home to change more diapers. I love it.’ But the truth is, Chris, it’s purely vengeance,” said Swalwell.

I would image his wife doesn’t give two shits either way. She clearly had no problem with her hubby’s Fang Fang gang bang, so why would she care if he’s on the Intel Committee?

Somehow this got funnier, when Swalwell described his encounter with Fang Fang:

“This happened nearly 10 years ago. The FBI told me that someone who had been helping our campaign in a district with 35% Asian Americans may be working with the Chinese government. I did what I hope every one of my colleagues would do,” Swalwell said.

Yes, it would be nice for Swalwell if he wasn’t the only member of Congress who got caught with his pants down in a Chinese spy entanglement.

Swalwell then tried to blame McCarthy for putting his life in danger with another fake death threat:

First of all, that’s not a death threat. The caller, who is probably a Swalwell staffer, says he should be tried for treason, which carries a death sentence. The caller even says, “legally, through a trial.”

Secondly, the FBI didn’t conclude that Swalwell did nothing wrong, they said he was unaware of what was going on. In other words, that Swalwell is a gullible dupe.

And that’s the real reason why Swalwell was kicked off the Intelligence Committee. He’s dumb like a stump. The bare minimum requirement for serving on the Intelligence Committee should be any sign of intelligence.