Joe Biden Makes Nashville Christian School Shooting All About Ice Cream And His Dead Son

Whenever he speaks to a particular group, Joe Biden makes up lies to seem relatable, which is why he’s a Jewish, black, Puerto Rican, homosexual truck driver on occasion. On the flip side of that, whenever something happens, Joe tries to relate everything back to him, like how he made the Nashville Christian school shooting all about his love of ice cream and his dead son Beau.

Biden was holding some kind of uninteresting event at the White House Monday and opened with some of his patented unfunny jokes:

“My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband. And I ate Jeni’s ice cream. Chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream. By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. You think I’m kidding, I’m not,” said Biden.

I wish he would stop telling us that we think he’s joking around. We don’t. The only people who find him funny are the braindead liberal idiots in the crowd. For a joke to work, first it has to have a plausible scenario, which is lacking here. Joe Biden has a refrigerator full of ice cream upstairs, but had to come downstairs to get some ice cream? I’m calling bullshit.

Biden then transitioned to joking around about ice cream to the Nashville Christian school shooting in which six people, including three kids, were killed by a transgender freak. talk about a shitty segue:

“I just want to speak very briefly about the school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee,” started Biden.

It’s interesting how he left out the parts about it being a Christian school and a transgender shooter, isn’t it?

“It’s uh sick, you know we’re still gathering the facts what happened and why,” Biden said.

But then Joe made up some facts by saying, “You know, the shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol. Two AK-47.”

Nobody has reported that the transgender killer had two Ak-47s, just that they were “assault-style” weapons. Also, two of something requires an “S” on the end to make them plural, but Joe went with “two AK-47.”

Biden tried exploiting this tragedy to push his gun control agenda, demanding, “Congress pass my assault weapons ban.”

Then things got weird as Biden invoked his dead son Beau:

“I’ve been to so many of these sites…One of the things you folks, I know you do know but you should focus on, you know, just like in the military, my son was in Iraq,” said Biden.

I thought Biden liked to pretend his son died in Iraq, but now it looks like he’s going with the lie that Beau died in a school shooting. Does this guy know how to bullshit his relatability, or what?

No matter what arises, Joe can alter his race, religion, and history to fit the situation. The fact that he he made a tragedy where children were murdered all about his ice cream fetish and his dead son, qualifies as easily the worst example of his self-centered fantasy world.