Trump Pledges Executive Order on ‘Day One’ to End Birthright Citizenship for Illegal Aliens and ‘Birth Tourism’

President Trump rolled out a new policy pledge on Tuesday in which he promised he would sign an Executive Order on day one of his second term in office effectively ending birthright citizenship for illegal aliens and so-called “birth tourism.”

This from

Illegal alien family from Haiti waits to be taken into custody at the border near Yuma, Arizona.

The policy proposal, contained in one of his Agenda 47 videos his campaign released, was obtained exclusively by Breitbart News ahead of its public release.

In the slightly more than three-minute-long video Trump said:

As part of my plan to secure the border, on day one of my new term in office I will sign an executive order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law going forward the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship.

Trump argues that birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens serves as a “magnet” and an “incentive” for future prospective migrants to attempt to enter the country illegally.

In the video, Trump said:

Joe Biden has launched an illegal foreign invasion of our country allowing a record number of illegal aliens to storm across our borders.From all over the world, they came.

Under Biden’s current policies, even though these millions of illegal border crossers have entered the country unlawfully, all of their future children will become automatic U.S. citizens. Can you imagine? They’ll be eligible for welfare, taxpayer-funded healthcare, the right to vote, chain migration, and countless other government benefits, many of which will also profit the illegal alien parents.

This policy is a reward for breaking the laws of the United States and is obviously a magnet helping draw the flood of illegals across our borders. They come by the millions and millions and millions.

Trump added later in the video:

It’s things like this that bring millions of people to our country. They enter our country illegally.

My policy will choke off a major incentive for continued illegal immigration, deter more migrants from coming, and encourage many of the aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully let into our country to go back to their home countries. They must go back. Nobody could afford this. Nobody could do this—and even morally it’s so wrong.

Trump said too that the United States:

Is among the only countries in the world that says that even if neither parent is a citizen nor even lawfully in the country their future children are automatic citizens the moment the parents trespass onto our soil.

But, he argues, that case for birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens is built on a misinterpretation of the law.

Trump explained in the video:

As has been laid out by many scholars, this policy is based on a historical myth and a willful misinterpretation of the law by the open borders advocates.

Trump also said his promised Executive Order would end so-called “birth tourism,” where people from other countries attempt to come into the United States to give birth to their children so they will be born with U.S. citizenship.

He explained his executive order would require that at least one parent be either a U.S. citizen or legally in the country.

Trump concluded:

My order will also end the unfair practice known as ‘birth tourism’ where hundreds of thousands of people from all over the planet squat in hotels for their last few weeks of pregnancy to illegitimately and illegally obtain U.S. citizenship for the child, often to later exploit chain migration to jump the line and get green cards for themselves and their family members. It’s a practice that’s so horrible and so egregious, but we let it go forward. At least one parent will have to be a citizen or a legal resident in order to qualify.

God speed President Trump and may God keep you safe.