Joe Biden Is Destroyed Online after Posting White House Pride Flag Photo on Twitter

Saturday night the despicable imposter who sits in the White House posted this photo on Twitter, claiming “America is a nation of pride.”

This from

If “America is a nation of pride” then we’ve set ourselves up as enemies of God.

Because not only is God against the perversion of homosexuality and transgenderism, He also hates the sin of ‘pride’, which the bible says is one of the seven deadly sins. His rainbow was also never meant to represent such evil as this.

As you can imagine, Biden’s post didn’t go over very well on Twitter:

Final thoughts: This is simply one more problematic element of the Barack Hussein and Big Mike Obama transformation of America.

And as a detriment to the well-being of our beloved country, this wrong headedness—marked by perversity and contrary to sound judgement—is being pursued for an estimated 7.1% of the U.S. population. That means 92.9% of We the People who find this display somewhere between appalling and inappropriate can legitimately claim taxation without representation. Congress has been all but silent for 7.1 vs. 92.9.