The Leftist Media Is Attempting to Silence the ‘Sound of Freedom’—They Are Targeting a Movie about Child Sex Trafficking

Arguably no issue is less partisan, and more likely to unite people of every political stripe, even in our current state of hyper-polarization, than child trafficking.

How could opposition to the cruel kidnapping of children and their forced recruitment into the international sex trade fail to draw unified support from all corners?

This from

A rhetorical question, yes, but a very difficult one to answer for those who cannot believe such evil is taking place.

And yet when a movie comes along that dares to address this uncomfortable topic, this horrific evil, head-on—a movie aimed not only at raising awareness but at inspiring action—the Left curiously rallies to undermine it with partisan smears and ugly innuendo.

Angel Studios’ Sound of Freedom opened last week, a thriller based on the captivating true story of Tim Ballard, a Homeland Security Special Agent frustrated by the lack of effective rescue strategies and prosecutorial authority to help trafficked children in underdeveloped nations.

Ballard decided to circumvent the law enforcement bureaucracy to find a more direct, if dangerous, way to undertake the rescue of missing children. In 2013 he founded Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to saving children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. The organization reportedly has undertaken more than a dozen sting operations. Actor Jim Caveziel brings his passionate intensity to the portrayal of Ballard in the film.

Caveziel, you may remember, is best-known for his astonishing turn as Jesus Christ in the Mel Gibson-directed blockbuster The Passion of the Christ, the movie that opened the eyes of many Hollywood executives who didn’t believe or care that there was a massive audience out there in flyover America hungry for entertainment fare that didn’t trash their faith. Caveziel, openly Christian and conservative in an industry dominated by secular elites, calls Sound of Freedom:

[T]he most important movie he’s done since Passion.

Now the low-budget film that had been shelved for nearly five years and nearly never saw the light of day has been resurrected and achieved stunning popular success on the Rotten Tomatoes entertainment review site (with a 99% Audience Score) and at the box office.

Just how well is Sound of Freedom doing?

John Nolte at Breitbart News writes that:

At the close of business Sunday, after only six days in theaters, Sound of Freedom has grossed $40.2 million. Also, over the weekend, it averaged $6,388 per screen, which topped [the latest installment of the Indiana Jones franchise] Dial of Destiny’s per-screen average of $5,760.

So now the Left, which panics when conservatives disclose their secrets, has determined that Sound of Freedom must be sabotaged with high-profile articles smearing it as linked to the darkest corners of right-wing conspiracy-mongering.

The Washington Post, for example, undermined the movie right in the headline: ‘Sound of Freedom is a box office hit whose star embraces QAnon.’

Similarly, the far-Left Guardian put the conspiracy theory smear right up front, calling the ‘paranoid’ movie ‘the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America.’ The Guardian writer downplays the film’s success and sniffs about it benefiting from an ‘unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings.’

Rolling Stone piled on with a sneering hit piece by a keyboard coward named Miles Klee who claims, revealingly, that Caveziel and the other filmmakers have been ‘fomenting moral panic for years over this grossly exaggerated epidemic of child sex-trafficking.’ Klee too dismisses the movie as a ‘QAnon-tinged thriller’ ‘designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer,’ and slams its ‘hackneyed white savior narrative’—even though the real-life Ballard is white (unlike Klee, Ballard has actually put his own life on the line to save kidnapped children—does it matter what color he is? It does to the racist Left).

All this mental aggression with the term ‘OAnon’ is enough to force a relatively sane conservative to ask, ‘What the hell is QAnon?’

There is ‘Q’ and there is ‘Anon’ and the combination of the two creates a hilarious figment of Leftist imagination. An internet search of ‘OAnon’ reveals insanity I will not quote, and thus I will have to wait until Conservatism wins this ongoing war and writes the history to include a correction of all Leftist imaginings.

Even before Sound of Freedom hit the big screen, the Left was whitewashing child trafficking. A year ago The Atlantic, another left-wing publication, tried to discredit conservative concerns over child trafficking with a conspiracy fear-mongering piece called The Great (Fake) Child Sex-Trafficking Epidemic. The tagline was Dispatches from a moral panic.

Contrary to accusations of conspiracy fear-mongering and reports of child trafficking being grossly exaggerated, the statistics below tell a different truth. The following is from the Polaris Project, a movement to end human trafficking:

  • Human trafficking is a $150 billion-a-year criminal enterprise business worldwide,

  • 27% of human trafficking victims are children,

  • The United States is #1 in the world for sex trafficking,

  • More than 500,000 children a year go missing in the U.S. alone,

  • Over 500,000 online sexual predators are active each day, and

  • As of 2021, there are 252,000 websites containing images or videos of children sexually abused.

Similar information can be found on many other sites dedicated to rescuing children from this plight. And yet the above-listed Leftist rags not only want you to dismiss Jim Caveziel and the Sound of Freedom filmmakers as conspiracy theorists so that you will shun the movie and its passionate message on behalf of trafficked children, but also to believe that child sex trafficking itself is overblown, “especially compared to leftist shibboleths like the police genocide of blacks and climate change.”

The Left will hurl paint on priceless works of art, block major traffic arteries, and set themselves on fire to draw attention to their climate change hysteria, but then shrug off concerns about the reality of widespread sexual exploitation of children as a “moral panic.”

The media venom spewed at Sound of Freedom is so vicious and coordinated that one can’t help but wonder: who benefits from targeting the storytellers and heroes who target real-world pedophiles and child traffickers?

Pedophiles and child traffickers, that’s who.

Final thoughts: So now you know about the film if you didn’t already. And we Conservatives accept the truth about global child sex trafficking not being a conspiracy theory, rather a demonstrable fact that must be taken very seriously by law enforcement and human rights agencies from the FBI to the United Nations and all points in-between.

Solving this evil may not be accomplished with the destruction of the Obiden Regime and the Deep State, but that will be a fantastic next step.