Go back in time and look at any politician’s old video clips and you will witness they have all changed or altered their positions on important issues of the day—some flip-flopping multiple times.
This from 100percentfedup.com.
Crowds gather for the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 06, 2021, in Washington, DC.
But not so from President Trump.
And why? Well, obviously because he is not a politician.
Trump is a businessman.
He gets S-H-I-T done.
He doesn’t have the time or the absence of integrity or moral ethics required to play games or adjust his sails to what the polls of the day suggest.
He trusts his gut.
He trusts his intuition.
He trusts his internal moral compass (which by the way comes from God).
It’s actually much easier to lead a life like that.
A life of integrity.
A life of character.
So, now let’s take a few moments to go back and watch these old videos and witness exactly how little President Trump hasn’t changed his direction.
Note how strong and confident he sounds.
One answer to an interviewer’s question in particular is astoundingly accurate and foretelling.
When asked if he would ever run for office, and if not why not, Trump gave perhaps his most prophetic answer ever.
Because I think that would be a very hard and mean life.
Spoken as if he was looking into a magic crystal ball.
Amazing insight with everything any man would dream of: success, money, a beautiful wife, wonderful children.
Remember, he left all that behind to accept the mission of draining the Deep State and saving the United States of America, our Constitution, and our Constitutional Republic.
Trump knew he was quite literally one of the last people who could step in and save this country from being destroyed from the enemies within.
Let that sink in, Def-Con News readers.
What this man did, and is still doing, will go down in history in a bigger way than any of us currently realize.
Watch the 1980 interview on Rumble.
And here is Trump on Oprah, 1988:
And with Donahue in 1987:
Below are the top 9 comments on YouTube!
These have not been Photoshopped or edited in any way, ALL NINE are pro-Trump!
Read these comments:

Dozens more follow this same direction, and they are available if you want to read them.
Now here’s another one, Dan Rather interviewing Donald and Melania in 1999:
And let’s finish with David Letterman.
Dave has gone hopelessly Left-wing, but there was a time when there was NO ONE BETTER on TV than Letterman.
He was the gold standard because actually much like Trump he didn’t care what you thought and would speak his mind directly to his guests.
Here is Trump going mano a mano with Letterman in 1986:
Click HERE to view.
President Donald J. Trump—A legend in his own time and for the great history of America.
May God bless President Trump and keep him safe.