Joe Biden Invites People To Name His Failures

An off-his-meds Joe Biden angrily invited people to name anything he set out do to but couldn’t get done. This of course was a rhetorical dare because obviously he’s failed at everything. Maybe he’s counting on people being too lazy to list the million things he’s f*cked up since stealing the White House.

Biden is fresh off his Delaware beach vacation and getting ready to take a Lake Tahoe vacation, but decided to make it seem like he’s the president by giving an unhinged speech in between:

If you look at everything that Joe Biden ran on in 2020, it’s a pretty comprehensive list of his failures. He said on day one that he’d shut down the pandemic, but instead it raged on and  was deadlier than before he stole the presidency. He even had the advantage of Trump’s vaccine and still lost more people.

Biden said he was going to build a great economy, “from the bottom up and the middle out,” which doesn’t any sense, but is still a failure. Thanks to Biden’s disastrous ecumenic policies, people at the bottom and in the middle are struggling to pay for basic necessities and everyone in the country is poorer.

Joe said he would unite the country, but instead called half the people “Ultra-MAGA extremists” and sicced his Justice Department on his enemies to crush all dissent. While there is a certain amount of unity in people agreeing that Joe sucks, the country is even more divided than when Obama occupied the White House.

Biden said he would have the most transparent administration in history, but he hasn’t answered one unscripted question and nobody is allowed to see the visitor records of the White House or his house in Delaware. They are so secretive, they can’t even figure out who dropped a bag of coke at the White House.

Joe claimed he was going to have a safe and sane immigration policy, but instead, opened up the border and let millions of unvetted third-world scumbags flood in. The fact is, Biden’s immigration policy is to completely stop enforcing U.S. immigration law.

Biden promised to forgive all student loan debt, but the Supreme Court ruled that he lacks the authority to do so. Biden promised to protect unchecked abortion, but the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, allowing states to decide if and how women can kill their unborn babies.

Joe swore he was going to ban “assault weapons” but thankfully failed in that promise. He also claimed he was going to make the streets safe, but violent crime has risen faster than inflation under Biden’s reign of uselessness.

Biden said he was going to restore America’s prominence on the world stage, but has only alienated our allies and emboldened our enemies. He failed to stop Russia from invading Ukraine and forced Saudi Arabia, India, most of Africa and South America to ally with China. 

As you can see by the tweet above, Biden dared people to name one thing he’s failed at on the anniversary of his disastrous troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, which is one of his biggest failures.

Most of all, Joe Biden said it was his goal to restore dignity to the office of presidency, which is a failure of epic proportions. He’s liar with dementia who trips over nonexistent items and talks to dead people. He doesn’t know where he is, who he’s married to, or if he’s even wearing pants. Throw in his idiot wife and crackhead son and this is the biggest shitshow to ever embarrass our country.