Commentary for a Sunday: A Legacy of National Destruction, Mechanically Step-By-Step—Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama’s assault on Americans’ constitutional rights and protections as well as on our nation’s constitutionally defined governmental institutions and their respective authority entailed myriad particulars.

As a nation, if we are to reverse our losses and reclaim our freedoms and the integrity of our institutions, a more detailed understanding of the “transformation” to where we are now is an invaluable tool.

This from

Obama’s assault on our beloved country includes his undermining of First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and religious freedom, and extends to the usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress and disregard for the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court.

Additionally, and more broadly, Obama compromised the rule of law and protection of our individual rights, to wit:

 – He ignored the findings of lower federal courts,

 – He subverted federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, and other departments of the federal government, to illegal politicization and lawless attacks on perceived political enemies, and

 – He promoted federal intrusion in and subversion of state and local law enforcement, also in the service of political ends.

But let us not stop there. The following—in brief and mechanically—is the collective impact of the Kenyan moslem Manchurian candidate’s abuses of power and true legacy:

 – [T]he ‘transformation’ of America that he so often promised, was the creation of a less democratic, post-constitutional, authoritarian nation,

 – Consistent with his pursuit of this transformed America, Obama, throughout his presidency, lent his support to and openly advocated for groups and individuals, domestic and foreign, associated with anti-American, anti-democratic, authoritarian ideologies, particularly of the pro-communist and Islamist variety,

 – Domestically, he appointed communist and pro-communist individuals to government posts and invited organizations with the same sympathies to a seat at policy-defining tables,

 – In a similar vein, he labeled virtually any expression of concern over Islamist and jihadist threats to the nation as Islamophobic and quashed programs that educated senior military officers and federal and other law enforcement groups about such threats,

 – Abroad, he threw his [regime’s] support to communist and pro-communist governments and government candidates in South America, undermined pro-democratic forces there, and played a major role in the seizing of power by far-left opponents throughout the continent,

 – He also accommodated post-communist Russian authoritarianism,

 – With regard to Islamism and jihad, Obama promoted the Muslim Brotherhood, the fountainhead of modern Sunni anti-Western Islamism.  He did so in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood was born, and elsewhere in the Arab world, where supporters of the Brotherhood challenged existing governments. Additionally, he sought closer relations with nations in which allies of the Muslim Brotherhood were in control, as in Qatar, and

 – He also pursued closer relations with the Shi’ite Islamists of Iran, most notably in his drive for a pact with Iran that would end in that nation possessing nuclear weapons.  His Iranian strategy proceeded even as Iran continued to call for America’s destruction, continued to kill Americans, and provided financial and military support to numerous Middle East groups also engaged in killing Americans as well as in targeting America’s allies.

The passage of time, together with the ignorance of most Americans regarding key details, inevitably leads to a vagueness in We the People’s understanding. However, any American who was paying at least minimal attention during Obama’s eight years as president has some sense of the destructiveness he wrought domestically—on American freedoms and American governmental institutions—as well as in the arena of foreign affairs and America’s relations with its adversaries and its friends.

The great majority of us who contemplate the current sorry state of our nation now should be able to recognize in at least general terms “Obama’s central role in bringing about our present difficulties.” This is true even of those who see “in the depredations of the Obiden Regime a continuation of Obama’s tenure.”

As Joseph Klein has noted in his contributions to this compendium:

[O]ut of the top 100 positions filled in the Biden White House during Biden’s first 100 days in office, seventy-four previously had worked in the Obama [regime].

Addressing Obama’s hostility to and undermining of American freedoms and institutions will fill volume after volume of studies for the next one hundred years. But this work will be encouraged and allowed only if President Trump and the White Hat forces win this ongoing war.

God speed to President Trump and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.