Democrats Want You To Know That Joe Biden Is A Mean Girl

With Joe Biden destroying the country and his approval rating somewhere below ass herpes, his team is trying anything to make him appear competent. That’s kind of like trying to make shit smell good, and since all democrats are incompetent as well, it’s not going well. The latest attempt has the democrats likening the illegitimate president to that stupid teen comedy Mean Girls, which is as confusing as it is sad.

The economy is in the crapper, our border is overrun with third world scumbags, Joe is facing a impeachment inquiry for corruption, and his crackhead son is facing 20 years in jail on gun felony charges. With all of that going on, this is what the democrats think will salvage Biden’s historically bad presidency:

That’s already extremely cringeworthy, but it gets worse because it’s related to the lame 2004 movie Mean Girls. Never having seen the film, I’ll let Fox News explain the pathetic references:

While attempting to make a pop culture reference, the Democratic Party posted a photo of Biden wearing his classic aviator’s sunglasses while standing in front of the White House.

Along with the image, the account shared a quote referencing a line from “Mean Girls,” the 2004 high school comedy film starring Lindsay Lohan.

“President @JoeBiden isn’t a regular president—he’s a cool president. #MeanGirlsDay,” the account posted.

October 3 is referred to as “Mean Girls Day,” because of a line in the movie when Lindsay Lohan’s character gets excited because her crush spoke to her. He asked what day it was and she responded, “It’s October 3rd.”

The caption used in the Biden post referenced another widely-quoted line from the movie, spoken by actress Amy Poehler.

In the movie, Poehler’s character brags to her daughter’s friends, “I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.”

In an effort to connect with young people, the democrats are referencing an almost 20-year-old movie that no Millennial or Gen Zer has ever heard of. That’s lame, even for democrats. It’s weird too, because what they are trying to say is Joe Biden is a mean girl. He might be a cranky bitch, but mean girl is stretch since being a bully requires some cognizant ability, which Joe sorely lacks.

Also, what exactly is cool about Joe Biden? The way he gropes and sniffs little children? How he uses his authority to destroy his political opponents? His inability to know where he is or walk without falling on his ass? How he has destroyed this country? His adult diapers?

Joe Biden is an 81-year-old liar with dementia, which is the complete opposite of cool by any measuring stick. Maybe the democrats are suggesting Biden is cool by association, because his son is a drug abuser who is neck-deep in strippers and Russian prostitutes. I’m certain that is a level of “cool” that appeals to the shitbags who vote for democrats.

This sad meme did get one think right however, Joe Biden is not a regular president. He’s an illegitimate president who stole the White House. He’s the worst president in history and a braindead puppet, who is manipulated by his handlers. Ain’t nothing regular about that.