Former NSA Director Calls For The Death Of Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville

One of the greatest perks about being a lefty is that they literally have no accountability. They can lie, steal, and threaten their opponents with violence or death with absolutely no repercussions. Former NSA director, General Michael Hayden, has called for the death of Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville and nobody in the liberal media is screaming about an egregious threat to democracy.

Tuberville is the Republican senior Senator from Alabama and former head football coach at Auburn. He has led a one-man blockade of Joe Biden’s military appointees, for a couple of reasons. First, he rightly doesn’t believe that the U.S. Military, or more importantly, the American taxpayers, should be footing the bill for abortions and sex change operations. Also, Biden’s nominees check off all the “woke” boxes of diversity and perversion but lack any real qualifications for the positions.

Michael Hayden is a retired Air Force general, and former head of the NSA and CIA. He is most famous for leading the NSA’a warrantless spying on American citizens, while completely missing the 9/11 terrorists. He is also one of the 50 “experts” who signed off on the letter accusing Hunter Biden’s laptop of being Russian disinformation. He is the enemy of the American people, who now thinks it’s time to start killing his opponents.

Check this shit out:

In response to a question of whether or not Tommy Tuberville should be removed from his committee, Hayden says he should be removed from the human race. This is not a direct threat, like he’s saying he will kill Tuberville, but he is advocating for the Republican Senator’s death. There is no ambiguity here as Hayden clearly wants Tuberville dead.

Even if he was joking, and he’s not, the right thing to do would be to admitting this was in poor taste and removing the tweet, or whatever tweets are called on X now. Instead, Hayden made matters worse by hoping that everyone is stupid and doesn’t understand how the English language works.

Nothing in the first tweet suggests that Hayden doesn’t consider Tuberville a member of the human race, the former CIA spy literally said he should be removed from the human race, which is the same thing as saying he should be killed. It’s funny though, that Hayden’s excuse is that Tuberville is not a human being. His spin is: “I don’t say Tuberville should be killed, I only meant that he’s subhuman vermin.”

It’s also telling that he accuses “MAGAnuts” of deception for taking his own words literally. According to this piece of shit who spied on Americans and participated in a disinformation campaign to install Joe Biden in the White House, it’s right-wing extremism to take leftists at their word.

Had a Republican public figure make the same exact statement about a sitting democrat Senator, the liberal media would flip the f*ck out and call it everything from sedition to insurrection. They’d say that all democrats’ lives were now in danger because of it. There is no such outrage over Hayden’s call for Tuberville’s execution, because that’s how f*cked leftist propaganda is.