MTG Proposes Kamala Harris Ban That Could Gain Bipartisan Support

Democrats in Congress have moved so far to the radical left that this is little hope of any bipartisan cooperation in either chamber. Marjorie Taylor Greene however may have stumbled upon an issue both parties could agree on. The Georgia Republican has proposed a ban on illegitimate vice president Kamala Harris, and given her unpopularity across the board, this could be the thing to unite all lawmakers.

Joe Biden has put Kamala Harris in charger of a variety of things that she has yet to solve. Most notably, he put he tasked her with solving the border crisis he created and it’s only gotten worse. It’s not just that Kamaltoe is inept, she’s also incredibly lazy because she is used to having things handed to her, rather than earning them.

Recently, Biden created a federal office for gun control and once again put Harris in charge of crapping all over our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Unlike every other assignment Joe has given her where she does nothing, Kamala has stepped up her game and had an intern send out a tweet:

That should fix a problem that doesn’t exist. “Assault weapons” are not a real thing and what democrats think they are, semi-automatic firearms, are not weapons of war. They are also not something that are generally used in crime, so this tweet is as dumb as it is unconstitutional.

The dumb part comes from Harris actually thinking that a tweet from an insipid person such as her will make Republicans in Congress betray their oath to uphold the Constitution. MTG, for one, ain’t having it and came up with a counter offer:

Congress doesn’t agree on much, but this seems like something both parties could get behind. If there was a resolution on the House floor to give rescue puppies to war widows, there would be endless debate and all kinds of attempts to tack on pork projects, but a ban on Kamala harris would pass by unanimous consent.

The weird thing is, it seems like the ban has already taken place, without any Congressional intervention. Check out this shot from the White House today:

The tweet claims that @VP was in the room getting a briefing, but she is definitely not in the picture. It appears that Biden has once again overstepped the separation of powers and banned Harris through executive action. Maybe just this once, we can let his abuse of power slide.