Kamala Harris Asks If NASA Can Track Racism From Space

It’s already pretty silly that Kamala Harris wants to know if racism can be tracked from space but it got downright embarrassing when she asked if NASA was able to detect the racism of trees with their satellites. Kamaltoe thinks trees are racist and she wants the government to use all available technology to prove it.

It’s getting harder and harder for the White House to find things for Kamala Harris to do where she won’t make an ass of herself. They figured they’d send her to the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, this:

A NASA employee was giving a demonstration of the space agency’s satellite capabilities, when Harris interrupted with the dumbest question in the history of inquiries.

“Can you measure tree, part of that data you’re referring to in EJ, environmental justice, but you can also track by race there are averages in terms of the number trees in the neighborhoods where people live. It’s profound and shocking,” said Harris.

Kamala started to ask a question and then decided she already had the answer. She wanted to know if NASA can track the number of trees in neighborhoods by race and then asserted that yes they can.

Liberals believe that white people live in places with more trees and thus have more access to shade than minorities. This is something they call “Tree Inequity” and they even included $3 billion in Biden’s socialist Build Back Better spending plan to “fix” this nonexistent problem.

Knowing that democrats believe trees are racist doesn’t make Kamala’s question/answer any less stupid. She wants to know if NASA can track trees by race and the answer is: STFU, bitch.

The NASA guy giving the presentation had a nicer answer for Harris, saying that they would need to fly planes over areas to get that kind of data because satellites aren’t suitable. I think he was trying his best to dismiss her question without embarrassing her for being a moron. It was however, too late.

In a speech that she also gave at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Harris declared that outer space is all about environmental and racial justice:

Space activity is the word salad generator that her teleprompter uses. No seriously, what coherent point did she just make? Everything is climate action, and racism, and infrastructure to democrats but what they’re really trying to say is everything means we need socialism.

With this, it now becomes apparent why Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of Space Force. No, wait a second, it’s actually much more confusing now. Maybe Joe thinks space is the key to defeating white supremacy or something, but it still doesn’t explain why he’d put someone more incompetent than him in charge.

In the meantime, I wonder if NASA satellites can track “Let’s Go Brandon” chants from space. That would certainly be a better thing to use them for than trying to find racist tree inequity.