The Left Abandons Hearing When GOP Suggests Subpoenas for Sotomayor’s Staff

Majority communists/globalists on a Senate committee on Thursday abandoned their work—which was targeting conservatives on the Supreme Court—when GOP members suggested subpoenas for the staff of leftist Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

This from

Sen. Richard Durbin, C/G-IL, one of the despicable ones.

The Washington Examiner reported:

[T]he Senate Judiciary Committee punted on votes scheduled regarding the issuance of subpoenas for GOP donors Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow.

The report stated:

Sen. Dick Durbin has accused the two of stonewalling an investigation into the high court that seeks to determine whether two Republican-appointed justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, acted with any impropriety.

The confrontation was launched when ProPublica said they helped facilitate trips for the justices.

The report stated:

The votes on the subpoenas were abandoned after Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) threatened to file subpoenas against Sotomayor’s staff members, referencing the Associated Press report that found Sotomayor’s court staff coerced colleges to purchase her books.

She accused the Left—who have been infuriated by the fact that conservative justices on the high court right now outnumber far-left judges, and the decisions released by the court often reflect that division—of trying to discredit the court.

In fact, multiple members of Congress have proposed altering the makeup of the court in order to give The Regime a number of open slots for which to nominate leftist ideologues.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (C/G-NY) is on record threatening the conservative justices who have released multiple Constitution-based opinions.

Crow and Leo aren’t accused of anything illegal but Durbin and other communists/globalists claim they need to interview them about their knowledge of the justices.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) said:

I promise you, everything that was working well with the committee is now in jeopardy. You’re going to have a complete s*** show, but if that’s what you want, that’s what you’re gonna get.

The report documented:

While Crow and Leo have been singled out for their connections to the justices, there is no proof that any lavish trips Alito and Thomas attended had an influence on their votes over the years.

Carrie Severino, of the conservative Judicial Crisis Network, said the Leftist’s agenda was just another page of their playbook that they intend to use to “pack” the court—add multiple leftist justices, so they can outvote the six pseudo conservatives on the court now.

Final thoughts: Republicans fighting back is a good thing that should be done recurringly. And harsh words from Lindsey Graham—what a novelty!