Former Obama Advisor Attacks Trump Over Law Signed By Obama

If you have a cell phone, you got a text from President Trump today as part of a test of the Federal Emergency Management Administration’s system. This shouldn’t be a big deal, but because it involves Trump, naturally the left is freaking the hell out over what a racist sexist xenophobic tyrant he is. Even a former Obama advisor is attacking Trump for national preparedness, which is kind of odd since Obama actually signed the law that made Trump’s text possible. Once again, things are only horrifying if Trump does them.

At 2:18 p.m. eastern time, every cell phone in the country got a test message from President Trump about FEMA’s alert system for national emergencies. Apparently former Obama senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer was alarmed about another emergency involving Trump:

Interesting theory, and by interesting I mean bullshit. The reason why Trump was able to send this non-political/non-offensive text to everyone is because Obama literally made it possible.

Check this out from Reuters:

The Trump administration will send messages to more than 200 million U.S. cellphones on Wednesday testing a previously unused presidential alert system that aims to warn the public in the event of a national emergency.

An actual alert would be used for an impending missile attack or other national emergency.

Then-President Barack Obama signed a law in 2016 requiring FEMA to create a system allowing the president to send cellphone alerts regarding public safety emergencies.

So this law was signed over two years ago by Barack Obama? Either Obama is complicit in Trump’s evil plan or this is completely nothing and Dan Pfeiffer is an idiot.

It’s not like Trump actually texted a personal message or some kind of insult. He didn’t make fun of “Pocahontas” or “Low IQ” Maxine Waters, it was just a test message. And in fact it didn’t actually come personally from President Trump:

On a conference call, government officials told reporters that Trump would not personally trigger the alert — from his phone or any other device — and emphasized that no president could “wake up one morning and attempt to send a personal message.”

The test alert will be sent by a device similar to a laptop from a FEMA laboratory.

A device similar to a laptop? Like a computer of some sort? I’m sure that also sounds scary to liberals. Why can’t Trump use an actual laptop? Only dictators use things similar to laptops that aren’t actually laptops. He’s destroying our democracy!

The fact that Dan Pfeiffer was Obama’s advisor when he signed this law makes his faux outrage even more ridiculous. I can see some rando leftist losing his or her shit over something this stupid, but Pfeiffer was there when it happened. He may have even handed Obama the pen he signed the law with.

This is what happens to people when they are afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are so blinded to reality by their hatred for the freely-elected President of the Untied States that they attack him for silly things like this that are actually a result of Obama’s actions.

The good news here is that Obama accomplished very little in his 8 years in the White House so there won’t be many more opportunities for liberals to freak out over Trump complying with a law signed by his predecessor.