White House Keeps Trying To Make ‘Transgender Day Of Remembrance’ A Thing

Memorial Day is when we honor and morn the U.S. military personal who died in service of the United States Armed Forces, and is a legitimate holiday. Transgender Day of Remembrance is when liberals pretend to be sad that gender-bending freaks were killed by intimate partners, and is as silly as it sounds. The White House, however, is balls in on this stupid made-up non-event.

Joe doesn’t like to honor our military, unless it involves praising his son Beau, who never saw combat and died from cancer, unrelated to his Army position as a pencil pusher. On the other hand, he loves him some tranny freaks and wants us to believe they died in service of this nation:

Keep in mind that most transgender people who are murdered are killed by people who were having sex with them, so it’s not a matter of transphobia. They are killed by intimate partners or in the act of prostitution. People willing to bang a tranny don’t hate them for being transgender and they certainly aren’t discriminating against them.

Because Joe and Kamaltoe have the same handlers, the illegitimate vice president tweeted out almost the exact same bullshit message:

What is she going to do? Cackle at people who want to get freaky with a tranny? Democrats always say the stand with and will fight along side various fringe elements, but it’s completely meaningless. They aren’t doing anything, nor will they ever.

The White House also got in on this imaginary day of morning with the most absurd take of the administration:

I wonder if she’s counting the transgender Nashville Christian school shooter among the dead. I bet she is.

The Biden administration is going all out to grieve the loss 26 transgender weirdoes and acting as if they were great Americans who were cut down doing something noble. They were, in actuality, sexual deviants, who chose a dangerous lifestyle and paid the price.

Also, 26? What’s the big deal? 43 Americans die every year from excessively hot tap water. An average of 97 Americans die from their clothing catching on fire annually. 72 Americans die from bee stings in a given year. Where the hell is our Bee Sting Day of Remembrance holiday? I guarantee that the people who died from bee stings are better Americans thnt crazy freaks who can’t accept the reality of their genitals.