United Nations Demands Americans Stop Eating So Much Meat

The United Nations is one of the dumbest groups our country belongs to. America pays most of the UN’s bills and in turn the international body spends most of its time attacking and shaming us. The latest load of shit to come down has the UN demanding that Americans stop eating so much damn meat.

Fox News reports:

A lead United Nations agency overseeing food and agriculture policy is expected to issue a road map in the coming weeks which will call on the West, including America, to dramatically reduce its meat consumption.

The UN’s Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its so-called global food systems’ road map during the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai which will kick off on Thursday and extend nearly two weeks until mid-December. FAO’s first-of-its-kind document will recommend nations that “over-consume meat” to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Bloomberg reported.

“The failure of leading meat and dairy companies to reduce emissions underlines the urgent need for more policy focus on the food and agriculture sector,” Jeremy Coller, the chair and founder of the FAIRR Initiative, an investor network that works with financial institutions to promote climate-friendly agriculture worldwide, said in a recent statement.

“Food system emissions deserve a place at the top of the table, alongside energy and transport, as they represent an estimated third of greenhouse gas emissions and 40% of methane,” he continued. “Investors hope the first-ever publication of a food and agriculture road map at COP28 this month will catalyze the transition to 1.5 degrees and a more sustainable food system.”

That sound you hear is 300 million American middle fingers being raised in the general direction of the United Nations.

Somehow the irony is not lost on these clowns who are jetting off to Dubai in fossil fuel burning private planes to discuss ways to reduce carbon emissions. The obvious plan would be to stop having all of these elites flying around the globe, when they could just hold a Zoom meeting.

The UN has, for years, called for individuals to ditch animal-based diets, which it says “have a high impact on our planet.” Instead, individuals should choose plant-based foods, according to the UN, which can reduce a person’s annual carbon footprint by up to 2.1 tons.

Climate change, global warming, or whatever else they decided to call it is a complete scam. People aren’t making the planet warmer and there’s not even reliable evidence that the globe is heating up. This is all about control and money. There are big bucks in perpetrating the hoax with government subsidies for “green energy,” which is also another load of crap. On top of which, these global elites get sexually excited over the idea that they can force regular people to live in pre-industrial times.

They don’t want us to use AC when it’s hot or heaters when it’s cold. They are trying to take away our gas stoves and force us to drive unreliable electric cars we can’t afford. Now, they want to take our meat away? F*ck that.

I eat meat three times a day and can’t even remember the last meatless meal I had. Veggies are a side dish, not the main course. Meat is people fuel that keeps us healthy and happy. Look at how sickly and angry plant-eating liberals are. That could also be due to the fact that lefties are miserable self-loathing idiots, but if they sat down and enjoyed a good steak every once in a while, maybe they wouldn’t be so insufferable.

Anyways, I gotta go fry up a bologna sandwich on my gas stove for lunch, defrost some pork for carnitas tacos that will be cooked on my polluting charcoal grill for dinner, and send some “f*ck you” vibes to the UN with every delicious bite.