Society Gone Wrong: We Are Seeing Beneath the Thin Veneer of the Civilization We Have Been Taking for Granted

Those of us fortunate enough to grow up in the United States experienced a relatively civilized society.

This from

Too many of us have since turned our backs on the values that our forefathers handed down to us, and as a result of our careless behavior we are discovering what is beneath the thin veneer of civilization that we have all been taking for granted for too many years.

Our society is absolutely teeming with predators:

 – Crime rates are soaring all over the nation,

– Millions of Americans are afraid to leave their own homes, and

– Hordes of drug addicts are literally crapping in our streets whenever they feel like it.

In some of our largest cities, highly organized groups of criminals are constantly invading homes. Of course, when these thieves encounter a homeowner that is actually armed it can result in a deadly confrontation:

 A homeowner shot and killed a home invasion suspect in Los Angeles early Saturday morning while a grandmother and toddler were in the house in the fifth such crime reported in the area in the space of 10 days.

Officers were called to a home in the Granada Hills section of the San Fernando Valley, north of Beverly Hills, around 5am on Saturday after someone reported a ‘hot prowl’—a burglary where the homeowner is present.

‘The officers’ preliminary investigation determined that approximately three to four armed males in their 20s entered the home with the intent to burglarize the location,’ according to LAPD officials.

Once upon a time, Los Angeles was a beautiful city.

But now it is covered from one end to the other in filth, trash, and drug paraphernalia.

Of course much of this degradation is being fueled by drug addiction.

We are in the midst of the worst drug crisis in the entire history of our country, and many addicts have made theft a lifestyle to fund their addictions.

In addition to robbing homes, these addicts are constantly smashing into vehicles, and they are one of the biggest reasons why retail theft has soared to unprecedented heights:

New York City has led the US with the sharpest increase in the number of reported shoplifting incidents since before the pandemic, according to a study.

The Big Apple saw a 64% increase in reported incidents of retail theft during the four-year period between mid-2019 and June of this year, while Los Angeles experienced a 61% surge in the same metric, according to the Council on Criminal Justice.

This is not what a civilized society looks like. In Bellevue, Washington, so many vehicles are being stolen that the police are literally giving away steering wheel locks in a desperate attempt to bring auto theft down:

The Bellevue Police Department is giving away steering wheel locks Sunday, December 3 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bellevue Crossroads Substation.

According to BPD:

The effort comes as auto thefts have been on the rise in Bellevue and across the region.

Bellevue has had a 29% increase in car thefts in 2023 through October.

[We’ve] seen a 762% and 730% increase in theft of Kias and Hyundais.

Why on earth would people still want to live in these big Leftist-run crime rampant cities?

According to one recent survey, 40 percent of Americans are now “afraid to walk alone at night near their home”.

During his recent debate with Gavin Newsom, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pulled out the infamous “poop map” that shows reports of human feces on the streets of San Francisco…

During Thursday night’s debate between Gavin Newsom [C/G] and Ron DeSantis (R), the Florida governor busted out the San Francisco ‘poop map’ created by OpenTheBooks.

The map, created in 2019, plotted nearly 120,000 case reports of human feces on the streets of San Francisco between 2011 and 2019 using the city’s open records portal and 311 call information posted by city officials.

That map has been updated, and despite everything officials have tried, reports of human feces in the streets have been coming in faster than ever.

According to Adam Andrzejwski of OpenTheBooks, here it is in all it’s brown glory—only now [it has] an additional 125,506 cases in just three years—more than double the amount reported in the initial eight-year period.

This is our country now.

We live in a natiom where hordes of mindless drug addicts pull down their pants and defecate in the streets whenever they feel like it.

And thanks to the open border policies of our leaders in Washington, more drug dealers and more drug addicts are pouring across our borders with each passing day.

As is being reported, the foreign-born population in the U.S. has now reached a whopping 49.5 million people.

Our Leftist leaders are committing national suicide, and the stage is set for an epic eruption of societal unrest in our major cities that may very well achieve Obama’s goal of collapsing our beloved country.