The Left’s Demographic Coalition Is Collapsing

The idea that “demography is destiny”—that you can secure a permanent political majority if the demographics (age, race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, income, education, and employment) work in your favor—has been a part of the Left’s political strategy for decades.

This from

Their playbook has allowed them to secure electoral wins over the years simply by having heavy influence over different groups (and groups that are, at times, at odds with each other).

But demography is destiny only as long as you can keep the demographic groups happy, and the communist/globalist crime syndicate has lost its way in that regard, exposing something that Republicans have claimed (but often failed to properly articulate):

That there are, in fact, universal considerations for

voters that extend far outside their skin color and ideology.

Back in November, CNN’s John King and his team went to Wisconsin and talked to many black voters. Their responses in the interviews proved to be a grim view of Joe Biden’s 2024 prospects.

From one of King’s interviews:

All these candidates come by and sell us these promises. You know, say, you got to vote for me to save democracy. And then we don’t always see them again. And so, folks get more and more turned off from the political process.

Missing from the new Biden ads is an issue raised often in the overwhelmingly Black neighborhoods on Milwaukee’s northern edge.

People are wondering: ‘What is he doing in terms of police accountability and criminal justice reform? That is a big issue in our community.

And from another:

The mood a year from now will affect the president’s reelection odds more than the present mood. But would the president have a Black turnout problem if the election were today?

Yes, he would. He would have a big problem.

A couple of hours with the BLOC canvassers backed up that assertion, as did interviews in both Milwaukee’s inner city and along its suburban edge.

This is a problem that RedState has been pointing out for… a while now.

But it’s not just a “black voter” problem. The Left has been trying to juggle different minority groups to keep them happy for years, using accusations of racism, classism, hate, and more to try and pit these groups against Republicans over the years. It has, to various degrees, been effective, and Republicans have struggled to find inroads with several of these communities.

The Left, however, seems to have taken these communities for granted, assuming more and more that they would never be at risk of losing them. The communist/globalist crime syndicate has doubled down on race-based rhetoric and has been trying to appeal to one group at a time in recent years. Their insincere actions seem to have reached a breaking point: They are more at risk now of losing voters from these communities than they ever have been before, according to a USAToday/Suffolk poll.

[The Regime] now claims the support of just 63% of Black voters, a precipitous decline from the 87% carried in 2020, according to the Roper Center. [The Regime] trails among Hispanic voters by 5 percentage points, 39%-34%; in 2020 [it] had swamped Trump among that demographic group by 2-1, 65%-32%.

And among voters under 35, a generation largely at odds with the GOP on issues including abortion access and climate change, Trump now leads 37%-33%. Younger voters overwhelmingly backed [The Regime] in 2020.

A 24-percent drop among black voters from 2020 to 2024 is devastating. It’s not as though black voters are more likely to vote Republican, necessarily, but it is likely they won’t go out and vote (or, if they do, they’ll leave the top of the ballot blank).

The Hispanic vote, however, is just as devastating. Leftists have embraced a “Welcome, one and all!” mentality on immigration while failing to recognize that kowtowing to illegal immigrants alienates legal immigrants who had to go through a laborious immigration process to get here. These Leftist actions breed resentment, and Hispanic voters see Republicans as the ones who will level that playing field.

Meanwhile, Jewish voters are turning away from communists/globalists because of the party’s embrace of Hamas talking points, moslem voters are turning away because Biden hasn’t been tougher on Israel in the wake of the war in Gaza, Asian voters are livid that the Left justified racism against them in higher education, and the working class is increasingly frustrated with Leftists ignoring them in favor of upper-crust white elitists.

The Republicans, however, aren’t quite capitalizing on it yet, according to a breakdown of the USAToday/Suffolk poll. If this poll is to be believed.

The possible good news for the [Left] is that much of the support [they] need to rebuild has drifted to third-party candidates, not into the camp of  likely opponent[s]. Twenty percent of Hispanic and Black voters, and 21% of young voters, now say they’ll back someone other than the two main contenders.

Trump has the support of 12% of Black voters, precisely the percentage he received in 2020.

The poll will have us believe that while Trump has closed the gap, it’s because people are fleeing The Regime, not because Trump is that much more admirable a candidate.

That data matches other data we’ve seen in polling showing that Americans don’t want a repeat of 2020 on the ballot this year.

This is likely a significant underestimate, however. Trump will prove to be even more popular in 2024 than he was in 2020, and the true election results in 2020 were a landslide for team Trump all down the ticket.

The Left too is pushing candidates like Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, enabling them to show what they’ve done as governors and to try to translate that onto a national stage. The motive, though, is that anything to beat Trump and keep him out of the race for the presidency is a coup de grace. But the Left must be careful because a RINO promising to make America into Florida or make it into South Carolina is not what the voters want, either.

Final thoughts: The Left is panicking right now. They see their constituency has realized “Demography Is Destiny” turns out to have been a sham and the Left realizes they are losing ground.

And to lose means convictions for fraud, crimes against humanity, and/or treason for every damn one of them.