Bigoted ‘The Root’ Calls Black Woman a Bigot and Islamophobe!

One of the most racist websites in the world is The Root. I’ve written several articles about them but in case you haven’t seen them, much of the content there is anti-white. For instance, they refer to white women as “Becky.” They mock white people’s eating habits, how they behave, think we are all white supremacists, and of course, the police are all out to get them. In other words, it’s a black liberal website and they make no secret of the fact that they hate us. If I’m not mistaken, I think that’s called bigotry. “Intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.” Which makes the following article I found there so very hypocritical and annoying.

I guess I’m not woke enough to know, but apparently there’s a black comedienne calling herself, Jess Hilarious. Not knowing anything about her, I searched for a video of her. Here it is. You’ll only have to view about 20 seconds of it to realize that she has the intelligence of a mature cabbage.

I just wanted to establish the fact that she’s an idiot to support my commentary that will follow.

That said, a writer at The Root is furious because she believes Jess is an “Islamophobe.” But this is not about Jess, I could care less about her. It’s about the usual liberal hypocrisy So let’s begin.

The Root Whines

Jess, There’s Nothing Hilarious About Bigotry

Jess Hilarious is a perfect example of an insecure bag.

Y’all know the saying—“secure the bag.” Well, Jess keeps actively trying to squander the bag.

Again, my lack of wokeness is working against me here. No, I had no clue what “secure the bag” meant. So I looked it up. It means “obtaining financial security, but not necessarily through hard work — there’s a definite element of scheming involved.” I guess that’s why I didn’t know. I’m not black and I work hard for the money I make. I learned something new today. Yay.

On Saturday, a video surfaced of the Rel co-star documenting four men in turbans boarding a plane, via her Instagram stories. In the video, you could hear the comedian-actress’ panicked voice saying, “Where are they going? Where are they going?!”

“If I’m scared, I’m scared,” Jess doubled-down, following criticism. “Fuck y’all. Fuck how y’all feel. Y’all mad at me because I don’t side with every other black person. Because I don’t side with every other race—fuck y’all. I feel how I feel, I felt threatened, and that was it. And I’m not flying there. We were evacuated, bitch! Why? Why, with no reason explained at all, no technical difficulties or nothing. Y’all gon’ listen to Jess with the mess one day, because my news is real.”

She saw people in turbans at an airport with dark skin and was worried. So what? Who is it that has a propensity for hijacking airplanes, sometimes flying them into buildings? Gee, I don’t know. People fitting that description. If I saw them I would become alarmed as well. I wouldn’t take to Instagram about it, but you can be damned sure I’d be watching them.

But situational awareness is not cool . . .

What’s “real” is the clear xenophobia displayed by a fellow person of color who would be profiled at the same place should the government feel extra racist that day. Imagine. Whew chillay.

Yes, the government is racist. Yes, yes. Harumph. Harumph.

At one point, everyone on the flight had to deplane. Once reboarded, Jess took to IG once again.

“So, how ironic is it that we boarded the same plane and I don’t see those people,” Jess asked, referring to the group of Sikh men. “Yeah, we’re fully boarded. Eat my ass.”

So, maybe they WERE a problem. Where’d they go? What happened to them?


A few things:

1. The men weren’t even Muslim—they were Sikh. This shouldn’t matter since her bigotry still wouldn’t be okay if they were Muslim, but what does matter is correctly identifying people. Bet? Bet.

Girl. Here’s some news for you. You want to talk about correctly identifying people? These men may have been Sikh, but they are not the only ones who wear turbans. You know who else does? These lovable guys.

Yes, there are slight variations there but who gives a shit? Do you expect someone as stupid as Jess is to know the difference? And it doesn’t matter anyway. Because a terrorist would NEVER try to disguise himself as a “harmless” Sikh. If I see someone in a turban I become extra aware. She became scared. That isn’t a totally irrational reaction.

2. This incident happened just one day after the immensely tragic New Zealand terrorist attack targeting two mosques, where a gunman killed dozens of worshippers. We’ve already touched upon how dangerous white supremacist ideologies such as Islamophobia are.

Haha! So a bunch of Muslims got killed and now we should all be in denial that Islamic terrorism still exists? How amusing. If anything we should be MORE AWARE that it does exist and always will.

3. We have a whole-ass TSA to be the judge of whether or not we should feel “threatened,” no? I mean, there’s already a problematic screening process amongst the professionals—what do you think will happen amongst patrons? Imagine everyone having the power to kick someone off the plane just because they feel uncomfy. Yeah, that wouldn’t be abused at alllllll.

“Whole-ass.” Again I will never understand the black obsession with the word ass. And really, passengers already have that power to have people kicked off a plane. Cheatsheet reports, “Atlantic Southeast airlines removed a pair of American Muslim religious leaders because their traditional garb made other passengers uncomfortable.” The passengers were “uncomfy” and had the Muslims removed. So there’s that.

4. She “apologized” by taking a card from the “Wheel of Not Actual Apologies” by saying she’s “not racist” since she “has Muslims in [her] family.” Girl, the white man jumped out! She also claimed to be “unaware of the different types of Muslims,” pretty much diving into the deep end of the wrong pool.

Aha! And your racism against the white man just jumped out! You hate us. You think we’re all racists. You think we’re all the same. That’s ok, but it’s not ok to be prejudiced against Muslims? Yeah, that’s logical.

5. There’s a trend here, and it’s not the good kind of trending topic. Not too long ago, Jess came under fire for going straight to homophobic slurs after receiving mild shade (it was, by shade standards) in an Instagram section for The Shade Room, no less.

She called someone a fa–ot. You fill in the blanks as I’m not allowed to use that word in articles. Anyway, I don’t care about this one because it’s not the topic of my article.

It hasn’t been confirmed whether or not her concerns were the impetus for the Sikhs’ evacuation, but the overarching issue remains. Critiques of her actual “comedy” aside, ain’t shit funny about profiling. Profiling has ended in the deaths of too many black and brown folks for this same display of cognitive dissonance, just because you may not practice the same religion or aren’t ingrained in the same culture of another.

Blah blah blah. If Muslims would stop trying to kill us they wouldn’t be “profiled.” If blacks would stop committing so many crimes they wouldn’t be “profiled” either. “Deaths of black and brown people?” Almost all of those deaths that resulted from those people being “profiled” resulted because after being profiled they became violent or tried to escape. So doesn’t that mean that it was correct to profile them in the first place?

Free advice going forward: Listen more, talk less. Hilarious concept, right?

Free advice for you: Write less and quit being such a fucking hypocrite.