Conservatives Gotta Appreciate ’em—The Defeatist Left—New Hampshire Has Shown They Do Not Like Biden, But They Cannot Quit Him

Polls show that most on the Left are not happy with Joe-Joe Biden and they are not thrilled that he is the party’s designated nominee.

Further, the results of New Hampshire show the Left has decided to stick with Joe-Joe no matter what.

This from

New Hampshire gave the communist/globalist crime syndicate the perfect chance to sideline Biden. Not only is the state somewhat independent-minded, but Biden was not even on the ballot because his people were too afraid he would lose. Instead, the state communists/globalists humiliatingly, organized a write-in campaign for him.

Biden did not campaign in the state but Rep. Dean Phillps—Biden’s only real opponent—did, and he still lost badly to a write-in campaign for a guy who was physically and mentally unable to show up.

Was anyone taking part in the write-in campaign for Biden because they were enthusiastic for him and his platform? Hell no. It was party discipline. Pure and simple. And what platform, God’s sake?

And the part Conservatives gotta love,

this is certainly putting the Left on a path to defeat.

This is also why the party is having so much trouble dislodging Biden. Obama—the puppet master calling the moves—clearly thinks Biden should go but he has not been able to clearly say this out loud.

Much like 2016, there’s the air inside the party that it is sleepwalking into a disaster that it cannot do anything about because so much of their vote is semi-automatic with pre-programmed electorates, bloc votes, and ballot harvesters who will turn out the vote for whomever the party candidate is.

Political machines are a strength, but like most forms of collectivism, also a weakness offering no market tests for candidates and setting the stage for general election disasters.

So, to watch as Obama and Company eliminate Joe-Joe and insert Big Mike or whomever will be entertaining for We the People on the Right, but certainly touch and go (pun intended) those building an election win out of a mass of destruction by every measurement available.

And we Patriots must not become overly confident. Joe-Joe was unable to campaign four years ago. Remember, he is credited with having remained cloistered in his basement. He had the great Leftist machine and his handlers to steal the election for him.