Biden Says The Constitution Is ‘Always Evolving’ In Terms Of ‘Curtailing Rights’

Since Joe Biden is the illegitimate president of the United States, presumably the oath he took to uphold the Constitution is equally illegitimate. According to Biden, the Constitution is always evolving in terms of curtailing rights. Once again Joe said the quiet part out loud.

Joe Biden has already announced that he will fill retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s seat with a black woman. This, by the way, is a racial and gender requirement that the Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional. Since he’s already set his sights on a black woman, it was weird that he invited Senators Chuck Grassley and Dick Durbin to the White House to ask their advice on his upcoming SCOTUS nomination.

What’s he going to ask them? Do you know any black chicks looking for job?

In any case, the press was allowed to briefly listen to Biden be full of shit:

“There’s always a renewed national debate every time we uh nominate, any president nominates a Justice because the Constitution is always evolving slightly uh in terms of additional rights or curtailing rights, etcetera and it’s always an issue,” Biden said.

Well, when the democrats are in charge there’s certainly a lot of effort to curtail rights but the Constitution is not and has not evolved. The rights protected in the Constitution are as they were when our Founding Fathers enumerated them. Yes, there have been amendments added but nothing that took out a previously recognized right.

Who’s shocked that a democrat doesn’t understand that the government doesn’t grant rights to the people? These rights are inborn and God-given. All the Constitution does is remind would-be tyrants that the government can’t f*ck with any of them.

With this statement, it appears that Biden is looking for a justice who will curtail the rights of the people, most notably the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Democrats would love to silence criticism and disarm the people. That ain’t going to happen when the make-up of the Supreme Court is 3 liberals to 6 conservatives.

Though Biden has already stated he will nominate a black woman, he laid out what he’s looking for in a candidate:

“What I’m looking for is a candidate with character, with requalities of a of a judge in terms of being courteous to the folks before them, treating people with respect,” said Biden.

A black woman who is courteous and treats people with respect? Good luck with that. Hey, at least he claims he’s looking for a judge to fill the position.

“As well as a judicial philosophy that is more one that suggests there are unenumerated rights in the Constitution,” Biden continued.

Awesome, he’s looking for someone who is going to make up Constitutional rights, like the right to free college or the right to torch a cop car.

While Biden is clearly looking for someone who has absolutely no respect for the Constitution, he pretended the opposite for the cameras:

“And all the amendments mean something…”

Wait for it:

“…including the 9th Amendment.”

So Joe Biden is actually concerned with a nominee who will focus on the 9th Amendment? Have you ever heard anyone talk about the 9th Amendment? Do you even know what it is? I didn’t until I looked it up. Basically it’s a nothing amendment that says: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The 9th Amendment has never factored into U.S. Constitutional law and most Constitutional scholars consider it irrelevant, just like Joe Biden.

This is a long stupid way of Biden saying he’s going to pick an unqualified nominee based on skin color and vagina ownership. He did that with his vp selection and we all know how well that worked out.