Christians in the Crosshairs

The newest Left-fabricated entity targeted for organized hate: Christian Nationalism.

And the loosely defined group now most worthy of discrimination: Christian Nationalists.

This from

The [L]eft hates Christians, even the liberal, nonjudgmental ones in nondenominational megachurches with pastors in skinny jeans.

But because this is an election year and the Left’s presumed candidate for president and his vice-presidential backup option are such pathetically weak choices, the panicked Left cannot afford to alienate all those Christian deplorables and drive them toward the Republican candidate.

So, their strategy, as always, is to divide and conquer.

Thus, the left is ramping up hysteria about a segment of the Christian population “they are painting as a clear and present danger to democracy” (i.e., communist/globalist hegemony): Christian Nationalists.

As reported on Culture Warrior:

The label ‘Christian nationalism’ is the new Progressive dog-whistle for ‘scary American patriots.’ It signals to Progressives that Americans who love God and country—which used to be the norm before our descent into a post-Christian, post-patriotism culture—are a subversive danger to democracy. Christianity, after all, imposes a moral code that chafes Progressive libertines, and nationalism, with its emphasis on state sovereignty and secure borders, frustrates their globalist ambitions.

Whenever Christians wave the Stars and Stripes, wear a MAGA hat, or pray that God blesses our country, the Left hyperventilates over the specter of a fundamentalist theocracy on the rise. They envision America becoming a Handmaid’s Tale dystopia in which white male Christian mullahs hang homosexuals and imprison women for seeking abortions. The Left’s vision of the separation of church and state, therefore, is one in which Christian patriots and their values are best excluded from the halls of government power entirely.

The left believes if they can demonize a politicized segment of Christians as violent radicals by tarring them as being not real Christians—much like they insist that Islamic terrorists are not real moslems—then they can isolate the Trump-supporting Christian Nationalists from the “good” Christians.


[O]n MSNBC last week, Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla said that the ‘base of the Republican Party has shifted’ after President Trump attracted a ‘more extremist element,’ including ‘Christian nationalists.’

The thing that unites them as Christian nationalists—not Christians, by the way, because Christian nationalist is very different—is that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, they don’t come from the Supreme Court. They come from God, said Przybyla [emphasis added].

See what she did there? By stressing that the politically active Christians are “very different” from the “good” Christians who are not good, Przybyla denigrates and differentiates as a means of dividing. Remember: They divide to conquer.

Further, Przybyla warned:

[A]n extremist element of conservative Christians who advocate against Progressive sacraments such as abortion and gay marriage—because Trump-supporting Christians aren’t nearly half the country—[are] extremists.

The Family Research Council and Catholic Vote subsequently demanded an apology in a letter to Politico blasting Przybyla for “trying to demonize the Christian community” with her comment that only extremist “Christian nationalists” believe human rights “come from God.”

Her statements constituted an attempt to spread misinformation about Christians by creating the perception that they hold unique beliefs that pose a distinct and, in her words ‘extremist,’ threat to our country.

Setting aside the inaccuracy of her commentary, she was manifestly trying to demonize the Christian community and sow fear through propaganda.

Another example:

Filmmaker and anti-Trump hysteric Rob Reiner just released his documentary God & Country, about “the threat of a movement that infuses Christian dogma with far-right politics,” as The Hollywood Reporter put it.

The film’s trailer features an interviewee who declares:

This is not a movement about Christian values, this is about Christian power.

Reiner himself recently tweeted:

Christian Nationalism is not only a danger to our Country, it’s a danger to Christianity itself.

The relentless messaging here is, Christianity is fine, it is Christian Nationalism that is evil.

God & Country director Dan Partland stated in an interview:

To be clear, Christianity is not the problem, and having one’s faith inform one’s political beliefs is not the problem.

The problem is the intertwining of a Christian identity with a political identity such that it can be hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

As the executive producer, Reiner has sought to connect Christian Nationalism to what Progressives falsely insist was a violent, Trump-inspired insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Asked by Newsweek if he was surprised by anything in the process of producing the film, Reiner once again raised a distinction between Christians and the Nationalists:

Well, the thing that I was most surprised by was to see conservative Christian leaders talk against Christian nationalism, because they believed it is not only hurting the country, but hurting Christianity.

Reiner concluded:

[T]o me, his movement is going totally opposite the teachings of Jesus.

In other words:

Real Christians are fine people, 

but MAGA extremists are different and dangerous.

Final thoughts: The Left does not care the least about the teachings of Jesus. These words were chosen to manipulate We the People. This is the most recent attempt by the Left to divide us and strip votes from conservative Christian candidates.