Days After Kamala Is Considered for the Top of the Ticket—Her Biggest (Not-So) Secret Tumbles Out of Her Closet

The political landscape is shaking like the San Andreas fault as The Regime grapples with the fallout from Dementia Joe’s nightmare debate performance.

The question, ‘What about Joe?’ just won’t go away, and growing uncertainty surrounds the Left’s 2024 ticket.

This from

Many eyes have turned to Kamala Harris, more out of desperation than thoughts of making a wise choice.

However, Harris’s record as a prosecutor and her previous presidential campaign cause significant concerns.

The Left is in a tight spot, and Harris’s history might not be the silver bullet for which they’ve been hoping against hope.

Harris’s record as a prosecutor and as California’s attorney general…have left a lasting stain on her political career.

From Fox News:

During her 2020 presidential campaign, which launched in January 2019, Harris faced intense criticism and scrutiny for her record as a prosecutor and as attorney general of California.

Lara Bazelon, a University of San Francisco associate law professor, suggested at the time:

[E]fforts to paint Harris as a ‘progressive prosecutor’ didn’t match her actions as district attorney of San Francisco and then California’s attorney general.


Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony, and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.

This criticism isn’t just academic nitpicking. Harris’s tenure saw numerous questionable practices, including upholding wrongful convictions and using cheap prison labor. These actions, once brought to light, painted a picture of a prosecutor more interested in maintaining her ‘tough on crime’ image than in ensuring justice.

Harris’s past came back to haunt her during the democrat primary debates. Then-presidential candidate and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, delivered a scathing critique of Harris’s record, further damaging her campaign.

Gabbard stated:

She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so.

She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California.

And she fought to keep the cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.

These are not minor criticisms. No wonder Harris’s campaign imploded before the primaries even began. Liberals have short memories, but four years may not be long enough for these charges to be forgotten.

Beyond her prosecutorial record, Harris’s policy positions during her presidential run also drew significant criticism. Her stances on healthcare, fracking, and the Green New Deal were controversial and often seemed out of touch with mainstream America.

Harris raised eyebrows during her 2020 campaign when it came to her health care plan, which she told CNN’s Anderson Cooper would result in the removal of Americans from their private plans offered by employers.

Among the many other positions she took during her campaign, which ended in December 2019, Harris signaled her support for a ban on fracking and plastic straws. She also insisted she would ‘get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal’ and that there would be a ‘carbon fee’ if she were elected president.

These positions might resonate with the far-left base, but they alienate a significant portion of the electorate. Americans do not want to lose their private healthcare plans, and banning plastic straws is not exactly a winning issue in middle America.

Below is 45 seconds of Kamala at her cringeworthy best:


In light of her problematic history and policy positions, Harris’s allies are already strategizing about how to boost her appeal. One idea being floated is the selection of a white man as her vice-presidential candidate, a move aimed at reassuring moderate voters.

From The Telegraph:

Allies of Kamala Harris are discussing the selection of a white man as her vice-president as support for her taking over as the party’s presidential candidate grows.

She would also want to boost her chances in the crucial states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. I would expect her to pick a white moderate who would be reassuring to those voters, much as Barack Obama did by picking Biden all those years ago.

This strategy highlights the recognition of her weaknesses and the need to balance the ticket to appeal to a broader audience. But will it work?

On the other hand, it may backfire as an example of reverse racism and just another example of their efforts at DEI. Apparently, Democrats can’t just pick people based on their qualifications rather than their skin color or minority status (or even majority status!).

And don’t forget, if Kamala does get chosen to succeed Biden, she will have to dodge her actions as Vice President.

She was tapped as Border Czar to fix the border problem, but instead the number of illegal crossings skyrocketed as she visited South America to address ‘root causes.’

She has many more failures on her VP resume:

[B]ut worst of all may be her active defense of Biden’s mental state when it was obvious to many he was having trouble.

[Just like] how she stayed with Willie Brown in California as long as it politically benefitted her, then moved on to bigger and better things.

Enjoyably, the communists/globalists are in a difficult position, and Harris is not the choice they should be pushing forward.