Judge Just Stopped NY AG Letitia James from Going After Pregnancy Clinics with 1st Amendment Claim

The New York Attorney General Letitia James has shown for years that she’s seemingly nothing more than a puppet for the woke left.

She’s done this by focusing most of her energy on furthering the left’s radically anti-Donald Trump agenda than on actually protecting the people of New York.

This from thepatriotjpurnal.com.

This seems to finally be blowing up in James’ face, however. This week, she received some bad news from a federal judge that will stop her latest woke effort dead in its tracks.

James was just hit with a preliminary injunction that blocks her from going after pregnancy clinics on the grounds that doing so would restrict free speech.

This move will bar her from targeting pregnancy clinics that dare to promote an abortion pill reversal procedure.

This came after James sued Heartbeat International and 11 centers that promoted the abortion pill reversal procedure. She accused them of fraud, claiming they were:

[S]preading dangerous misinformation by advertising … without any medical and scientific proof.

However, the judge was clearly not having any of it. Thanks to Judge John L. Sinatra, the injunction will remain in place pending disposition of the case.

Fox News reported that Judge John L. Sinatra, Jr., a Trump appointee, wrote:

In sum, on this record, Plaintiffs have standing. No abstention doctrine applies. And no other prudential, discretionary or equitable obstacle to such relief exists.

Based on a careful application of the preliminary injunction factors, especially as they relate to Plaintiffs’ First Amendment Free Speech claim, motion for a preliminary injunction is granted.

The judge ordered that James “in her official capacity, as well as her officers, agents, employees, attorneys and all persons in active concert or participation with her” are enjoined from enforcing consumer fraud laws against the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates; Gianna’s House, Inc.; and Choose Life of Jamestown Inc. for discussing and promoting the abortion pill reversal procedure.

This ruling had to have come as quite a shock to James. Indeed, she’s become used to getting away with pretty much anything in court throughout her quest to take down Trump. James has never cared whether or not Trump actually violated the law in any way. Instead, she just wanted to destroy him at all costs.

Because of this, the communist/globalist crime machine has stood by James at every turn. Even when Trump isn’t involved, they’ve supported her efforts to push woke causes. That’s why she’s become used to getting her way when it comes time to go before New York judges to further the left’s radically liberal agenda.

James will not get away with this one. Thank you, Judge Sinatra for upholding the rule of law and shutting James down in the process. Here’s hoping that this is only the beginning of James getting her comeuppance in the court of law!