As you know, being white is a liability in the democratic party, which is why so many of their white …
Author: Brian Anderson
It’s May the Forth (Star Wars Day) and democrats proved their WTF? is from a galaxy far far away. After …
Those poor democrats invested everything into framing Donald Trump for colluding with the Russians and now that their rigged investigation …
Remember the lead up to the 2016 election where every poll had Hillary Clinton kicking Donald Trump’s ass in a …
If you thought Bernie Sanders was bad at relating to black people, wait until you see him interact with children. …
Obama may be lazy but he ain’t stupid and knew that if a Republican won in 2016 his BS “executive …
Earlier I told you about Alabama state Rep. John Rodgers who said babies should be killed because they will just …
On Thursday Attorney General Bill Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee for 6 hours answering hysterical democrat questions like …
Democrats love killing babies but they’ve never really been able to say why until now. An Alabama state Rep. explained …
Thursdays are generally slow news days so the liberal media put its heads together and came up something to occupy …