Beto O’Rourke May Not Be Gay Enough

As you know, being white is a liability in the democratic party, which is why so many of their white 2020 candidates are apologizing for their skin tone. Another emerging problem for democrats is being straight, but so far that’s only hitting Beto O’Rourke. It turns out that the slacker doofus may not be gay enough to win over democratic voters. I don’t know, he seems plenty gay to me, but I’m a Republican.

Back when he was losing to Ted Cruz for a Texas Senate seat, Beto O’Rourke was a democratic party darling and a rockstar. Since announcing his candidacy for president, something he swore he’d never do, enthusiasm has waned considerably. Meanwhile, gay South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg has become the democrats’ new flavor of the month. Insiders say it’s because Buttigieg likes man ass while O’Rourke is just an ass of a man.

Former Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, who was the first openly gay Congressman, has offered an explanation as to why Buttigieg is soaring and O’Rourke sinking. Spoiler alert: it’s because Mayor Pete is gay. This is like Hillary Clinton claiming that one candidate is doing better than the other because she’s an insufferable lair and rape enabler. It’s all Hillary knows and Frank only knows homosexuality.

In any case, here’s what Frank told The Boston Globe:

“His being gay is an advantage and, if he were straight, I don’t think he would be doing as well,” said Frank of Buttigieg.

Considering how much value is placed on victimhood in the identity politics democratic party, this is actually a true statement. If Buttigieg were a Muslim tranny, he’d be doing even better with democrats.

“It attracts attention to him and he gets points for being open and honest and gives people a chance to affirm their lack of prejudice,” Frank said.

Again, Frank is spot-on. Guilty liberals love to prove how un-prejudice they are even though they are the most close-minded bigots this country has to offer. Just like how they can show they’re not racist by claiming to have a black friend, they can feel non-homophobic by supporting that gay guy with “butt” in his last name.

So what does this mean for Beta O’Dork? It’s not looking good:

“I think Beto O’Rourke may be regretting that he’s straight,” said Frank.

If O’Rourke doesn’t regret being a furry or trying to trick his wife into eating baby shit, he probably doesn’t regret being straight. He is an opportunist however, and this message from Frank may give him some ideas.

Robert Francis O’Rourke figured if people thought he was Hispanic it might help his political career so he culturally appropriated the nickname “Beto.” He could do the same thing with homosexuality. Maybe if he starts showing up to campaign rallies wearing a purple sequined cape and holding a Shih Tzu dressed in a similar cape, people will forget that he’s a straight man. Then, instead of going by “Beto” he could start calling himself “Bobby Flash” or even just use his middle name “Francis.” It’ll work because democratic voters are idiots.

Only in the democratic party is a lack of gayness a problem. It most obviously is and that could spell doom for the other 300 dems running in 2020. Joe Biden often says he’d like to take President Trump behind the gym and Elizabeth Warren looks like a lesbian, but the rest of the field is simply too straight to win the party nomination.