Here’s some liberal logic: democrat Beto O’Rourke says that because he owns a gun (maybe) that it qualifies him to …
Author: Brian Anderson
The “Creepy Porn Lawyer” is about to find what a horrible nickname that is to have in a prison shower. …
Over the weekend Attorney General William Barr released a summary of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and stated very clearly …
On Friday special counsel Robert Mueller delivered his report on the investigation into President Trump colluding with the Russians to …
Usually the biggest WTF? of the week is something the democrats did or said. This is opposite week so the …
Liberal celebrities are the most immoral freaks on the planet so I don’t know why this is shocking, but it …
Talk about a Friday news-dump. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has delivered his report on the conclusion of his investigation into …
Once again liberals and the Gaystapo have prevented people from enjoying the best damn chicken sandwich on the planet. According …
According to socialist dingbat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she’s getting a ton of death threats and she’s blaming it all on Fox …
New Zealand had a mass shooting and in a matter of days passed a massive firearms ban with a fun …