Barbara Streisand Releases Anti-Trump Song (Yes, It’s Horrible)

Thanks to Trump Derangement Syndrome, the President is living rent-free in the heads of all liberal celebrities. Hysterical lefty singer Barbara Streisand is so afflicted by this disease that she has written an anti-Trump song because she can’t think of anything else. She also apparently can’t think of anything original, because these anti-Trump lyrics are clearly stolen from a very well-known hit of the 1980’s.

If you must, here is Streisand’s new song that she says is to rebuke of the President. Warning: it’s really really bad.

Now here are the lyrics to the pre-chorus for Streisand’s “original” composition:

How do you sleep when the world keeps turning?
All that we built has come undone
How do you sleep when the world is burning?
Everyone answers to someone

If that sounds familiar to you that’s because it’s more or less the chorus from Midnight Oil’s 1987 hit Beds Are Burning:

How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning
How can we dance when our earth is turning
How do we sleep while our beds are burning

I’m not sure how the copy write laws work, but there seems to be enough similarities here for a decent lawsuit.

Streisand’s (Midnight Oil’s) lyrics aren’t immediately obvious as being anti-Trump, but she did an interview with Yahoo! News to explain. You know you’ve made a weak protest song when it requires a ton of additional explanation.

When Barbra Streisand started writing lyrics for her new political song, “Don’t Lie to Me,” she initially aimed for “very subtle” references to President Donald Trump. But she couldn’t help herself.

“I just went ballistic,” Streisand said.

In addition to not knowing the difference between “writing” and “stealing,” Streisand clearly has no idea what the word “ballistic means.” This makes weak sauce look weak.

“I just can’t stand what’s going on. [President Trump’s] assault on our democracy, our institutions, our founders — I think we’re in a fight. … We’re in a war for the soul of America,” said Streisand.

If Streisand is looking for another good song to steal from, she should check out Suicidal Tendencies’ War Inside My Head (also released in 1987), because that’s where her war with Trump is.

And she readily admits to her crippling TDS as a motivation for this song:

“I wanted to talk about the things that were making me feel so sad, heartbroken. I’m a kind of fierce American. I don’t know who we are anymore as a country. Are we embracing people who flee oppression? Or are we separating children from parents, putting them in cages? I don’t know if people care about the planet, the survival of the planet. Do they care about clean air? Clean water? Clean food? If they do, how could they vote for somebody like Trump, who believes it’s a hoax?” Streisand said.

Streisand’s liberal elitist opinion is that most Americans are garbage for not sharing in her hysterics.

“I’m frightened for this country,” Streisand said.

And because if you’re going to go “stupid” go “full-stupid.” Streisand has dedicated her new album to those insufferable gun control teens from Parkland, Fl.

Streisand, 76, said she “kind of dedicates this album to the young people who are speaking out.”

“It’s important that people vote. It’s important that people believe in the power of their own voice and how much that changes things. It’s like the kids speaking out, the Parkland kids,” Streisand said.

Aw, that’s cute. Ancient artifact Barbara Streisand is trying to be relevant with the young people. Also, how do you “kind of” dedicate an album? I guess in the same way she “kind of” wrote her own anti-Trump lyrics.

Streisand and the rest of celebrity Resistance forces should know that the last way to defeat Donald J. Trump is by being irrationally obsessed with him. It only makes him stronger.