Did Planned Parenthood Threaten To Abort Republicans Who Vote For Kavanaugh?

This entire Brett Kavanaugh saga began with a leftist disinformation campaign, led in no small part by Planned Parenthood, to paint the Supreme Court nominee as a dangerous anti-abortion activist. It doesn’t matter that Kavanaugh’s record as judge shows anything but and the left couldn’t care less that Kavanaugh has stated that he believes Roe v. Wade, the law that legalized abortion, is settled law. After all of the dirty tricks liberal used to try to derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation, it now looks like he will be voted onto the bench this weekend. The liberal Resistance isn’t completely out of ideas however as it appears Planned Parenthood is trying to sway the vote by threatening to abort any Senators who vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

The country’s biggest abortion provider threw out this Hail Mary in a last ditch effort to stop a well-qualified man from serving on the highest court in the land:

Is that a threat? It sure looks like one. PP didn’t say they’d work to get Senators thrown out of office, they made it more menacing by saying they were “coming” for any Senator who dares to vote for Kavanaugh. Coming after someone for non-compliance means violence and revenge. I think it’s pretty clear that Planned Parenthood is threatening to do harm to yes-on-Kavanaugh voting US senators. And by that I mean Republican Senators.

The question is, what form of violent revenge does this US taxpayer-subsidized leftist baby-killing organization have in store for elected representatives of the people? Well, they are in the business of abortion, so presumably they are threatening to abort Republican Senators.

How would that work exactly? That’s unclear, but Planned Parenthood has a pretty skewed view of how things work. They believe that abortions save lives and that elective surgery that kills unborn children is crucial women’s healthcare. It’s not that big of a leap to say they probably also think it’s possible to abort people in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. Think of it as a retroactive abortion, which is a fun liberal-speak way of saying cold-blooded murder.

Hey, Planned Parenthood only knows murder, so this isn’t that out of character for an organization that takes hundreds of thousands of human lives every single year. What’s another 51 Republican Senators?

This tweet should be enough for the Republicans in Congress to pull all federal funding of Planned Parenthood. The abortionists get over a half a billion of our dollars every year and spend much of that on financing the campaigns of democrats. Now that they are actively threatening Republican Senators, perhaps it’s time to cut them off.

This tweet should also get Planned Parenthood a visit from the Secret Service. I know that liberals think they a free to do and say any horrible thing they want, but threatening Senators with violence and/or death is a big no-no.