Nancy Pelosi Supports Angry Mobs Until One Comes After Her

Nancy Pelosi’s week demonstrates perfectly just how full of crap democrats are. As you know democratic leaders have been calling for angry mobs to swarm Republicans whenever they are in public. Pelosi said earlier in the week that she fully supports this incivility, but by mid-week she herself was confronted by a vocal group of protesters and now it’s suddenly the end of civilization as we know it. It’s amazing how when liberals do something it’s a bold expression of free speech, but when conservatives do the exact same thing it’s a threat to democracy, isn’t it?

Recently democratic leaders like failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and lunatic former AG Eric Holder have told democrats they need to get up in the faces of Republicans and scream until they get their point across. California Rep. Maxine Waters has told her minions to accost and harass Republicans wherever they may be. There have been numerous physical attacks on Republicans and pretty much any GOP lawmaker can’t sit down at a restaurant without a group of rabid liberals going ape-shit crazy on them.

As Nancy Pelosi was talking about this coordinated attack on Republicans, she gave this ringing endorsement:

“If there’s some collateral damage, for some others that don’t share our view, well so be it.” said Pelosi.

Collateral damage? As in people dying? It kind of seems like Pelosi is okay with violent liberal mobs actually killing Republicans, doesn’t it?

But that was so Monday, because by Wednesday, Pelosi found herself the target of an angry mob. The House Minority leader went to Florida to campaign for democratic House candidate Donna Shalala. As she arrived for a campaign fundraiser, she was met by a group of angry Cuban Americans who don’t particularly appreciate Pelosi and the Democratic Party’s support for the Cuban dictator Castro dynasty.

Protesters called Pelosi a “piece of shit” and a “f*cking communist” as she was whisked into a side door to avoid the angry mob. As Fox News reports, suddenly Pelosi is not all that in favor of the people voicing their opinions to politicians:

“It is deeply sad but unsurprising that we now see that ugliness rearing its head. It is stunning that Republicans have the gall to call courageous survivors of sexual assault a ‘mob’, at the same time they incite and condone violent actions like this. Republicans must condemn this vile and dangerous conduct, and stop the reckless and dangerous rhetoric that encourages it,” said Pelosi spokesperson Drew Hammill.

See, the thing is, Republicans actually did condemn this anti-Pelosi demonstration. Here’s House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who was literally shot by an angry leftist, calling for civility:

Do you remember when a Bernie Bro, inspired by violent liberal rhetoric, shot Scalise and other Republicans on a baseball field last year? Do you also remember Nancy Pelosi condemning that rhetoric and violence? Yeah, me neither.

The bottom line is this: Democrats encourage violence against Republicans and call it an expression of free speech, but when people express their frustration with democrats, they call it an “ugly violent action.” As I said at the top of these piece, Nancy Pelosi and all democrats are completely full of crap.