Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Says Megyn Kelly’s ‘Blackface’ Comment Is Almost A Hate Crime

The word “racism” has lost all meaning and the same is true for the term “hate crime.” Megyn Kelly made an accurate statement about how blackface, in the context of Halloween costumes, used to be non-outrageous and NBC fired her for racism. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar looked at Kelly’s accurate non-racist statement and decided it was very nearly a hate crime. The former NBA player even went so far as to compare what Kelly said to slavery. I guess maybe “slavery” is another word liberals seem intent on diluting into meaninglessness.

Earlier this week, on her show, Kelly was involved in a discussion about blackface and she made this comment:

“But what is racist? Because you get in trouble if you’re a white person who puts on blackface on Halloween, or a black person who puts on white face for Halloween… back when I was a kid that was OK, as long as you were dressing like a character,” said Kelly.

What Kelly said was 100% true. When she was a kid in the 70’s and 80’s children dressed in all kinds of black/brown/yellow/red/green/blue-face for Halloween and nobody had a problem with it. She wasn’t in blackface herself, nor was she saying people should still be doing this, it was just an observation of fact.

As I’ve pointed out before, liberals f*cking hate facts, so what Kelly said was determined to be racist by hysterical leftists and NBC fired her.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is one of those hysterical leftists and he wrote a big angry piece for The Hollywood Reporter. He started out by comparing Kelly’s “racist” statement to all kinds of horrible things:

“For a popular public figure with a law degree, she really is way too comfortable ignoring simple logic. Her statement is the common logical fallacy of ‘appeal to tradition’ that suggests that because something happened in the past, it’s good, true or beneficial. Like bleeding people when they’re sick, or women not voting or slavery. Nostalgia is not an excuse for promoting bad behavior. If it were, we wouldn’t have made marital rape illegal,” wrote Abdul-Jabbar.

You got that? Kelly saying it used to be fine to wear blackface for Halloween is that same thing as bloodletting, slavery, and rape. This is of course ridiculous, but Abdul-Jabbar was building a case and he was trying to establish Kelly’s non-offensive words as an actual crime.

“Which means she deliberately, without regard to the harm she would inflict on people of color, chose to pull out this old controversy. Not quite a hate crime, but hate crime-adjacent,” Abdul-Jabbar wrote.

OK, I’ll bite: how is this very nearly a hate crime? Who is the victim and where is racial motivation? In order for something to be a hate crime, it first needs to be a crime and then it has to be motivated by hate. Kelly’s comment had neither of these qualifiers. She said something that was true and she did it to speak the truth, not attack anyone. If we are going to start charging people with crimes for saying things that liberals are offended by, everyone, including liberals, will be in jail because literally everything makes them upset.

As for NBC, Abdul-Jabbar blames them for racism too.

“Kelly made consistently racist statements while at Fox News, so when NBC hired her in 2017, its executives were saying: We’re rewarding your racism on Fox by paying you $69 million over three years. Then when she does the same thing that got her that mega-payday, NBC suddenly expresses socially conscious outrage. Not quite racist, but racist-adjacent,” wrote Abdul-Jabbar.

Abdul-Jabbar is of course referring to the time when Kelly was at Fox and said that Santa Claus is white. This was another liberal manufactured controversy with no basis in fact. Santa Claus is white. He was based on an actual white person and is a European (i.e white) cultural tradition. See, I told you the left hates facts.

What is actually going on here is the selective hearing from the left. Whenever they hear a non-liberal speak, the only thing they pick up is trigger words like “blackface” and ignore the context. If Kelly had said that it used to be okay for kids to wear make-up on Halloween, the left wouldn’t have become enraged and she’d still have her low-rated NBC show.