Trump-Obsessed Barbara Streisand Commands Media To Stop Obsessing Over Trump

There aren’t many liberal entertainers who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome as badly as Barbara Streisand. She is so afflicted by it that thoughts of Donald Trump keep her awake at night and make her eat too many pancakes. She recently released a new song about him, wants to impeach him because he doesn’t own a dog, and plans to move to Canada if voters don’t rebuke his policies on Tuesday. Because liberal are all do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do, the Trump-obsessed Streisand is scolding the media over their obsession with Trump.

Streisand was on Real Time with Bill Maher talking about, what else, Donald Trump. Streisand spent about 13 minutes complaining about how sad Donald Trump makes her and bitching about how he’s ruined everything and then this pooped out of that hole below her giant nose:

“I have one question though. Why do we allow the media to keep showing him on TV? Why are we covering his rallies? He’s had 71 rallies,” said Streisand.

But it was fine when the media had non-stop coverage of Obama’s 8-year Hollywood fundraiser, right?

“Because there’s money in it. Because the media used to be a lost leader. They didn’t care if covering the news made money and now it reports to the stockroom like everybody else,” replied Maher.

The media reports to the stockroom? What the f*ck does that even mean? I am assuming he meant either “boardroom” or “stockholders” but he said “stockroom.” I guess the media is playing to those guys who get staplers and post-it notes from the supply closet, which is actually quite terrifying if true.

In any case, here’s what Streisand had to say to the media:

“That’s so sad to me. Don’t cover him,”Streisand commanded.

Why is Streisand so obsessed with Donald Trump? Why does she allow herself to let him live rent-free in her ugly head? Honestly, watch the video. She talks about him almost the entire time. The media covers Trump because he’s the President of the United States. I’m not saying the coverage is always fair (it isn’t) but he’s the most powerful man on the planet and a guy like that tends to get a little bit of press. That certainly doesn’t explain why Streisand can’t tune him out though, it’s the TDS that has her counting Trumps on sleepless nights.

The words that Streisand uses in this glaring hypocrisy are actually quite interesting. She’s commanding the media to stop covering Trump, which sounds like free speech suppression to me, but she also says that “we” can’t allow the media to give him any press. I don’t doubt that she feels entitled to dictate what information people are allowed to hear, but this actually sounds like she might be in charge of that kind of stuff. At the very least, she probably believes that she gets to tell the media what to cover and what to ignore.

Liberals like Streisand slam President Trump when he calls the media “fake news” for publishing and broadcasting false information. They say he is destroying democracy by attacking a free press and yet here she is demanding that the media only distribute news that she approves of. That don’t sound very free to me.

Obviously Streisand has a major crush on Donald Trump, which I believe is his worst nightmare. Liberals have tried all kinds of harebrained schemes to get rid of the freely-elected POTUS, but this might be something that could work. Simply unleash this lovelorn hideous freak on Trump and he will resign the presidency and go into hiding.