Senator Chris Murphy Suggests That Guns Are Bringing People Back To Life

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy is a rabid anti-gunner who often makes ridiculous claims about firearms to push his wacko gun control agenda. That is to say, he’s a typical democrat. Recently he claimed that his state has 300% less gun deaths than Florida, which is a statistical impossibility. The only logical thing that could explain this is that Murphy is saying guns are bringing people back to life in Connecticut, which wouldn’t even be the wackiest thing he’s ever said on the subject. It does blow the liberal narrative that guns are only designed to kill out of the water, but it could offer a cost-effective replacement for ObamaCare if guns have such miraculous life-saving properties.

Here’s a real tweet from a real twit:

You got that? Murphy says because his state doesn’t let the NRA write their laws, they have 300% less gun deaths than Florida. What he actually means is because the democrats in charge of Connecticut don’t give a shit about the 2nd Amendment and have passed unconstitutional gun control laws, they have less gun deaths than the Sunshine State. It’s a complete lie, but I’m here to focus on the liberal math Murphy is using.

In 2016, the most recent year with complete data, there were 12.6 gun deaths per 100,000 people in Florida. There were 1672 suicides and 992 homicides, totaling 2704 gun related-deaths. In Connecticut, in that same year, there were 4.6 gun deaths per 100,000 people with 110 suicides and 55 homicides for a total of 172 gun-related deaths.

If Connecticut had 0 suicides, 0 homicides, and 0 gun deaths per 100,000 people, the state would have 100% less gun-related deaths than Florida, which is biggest possible percentage. Since that is not the case, the truth of the matter is, Connecticut has about 85% less gun related deaths, which ain’t bad, but far from the impossible 300% Chris Murphy claims.

Which brings us back to the idea that Murphy thinks guns are bringing people back from the dead. I was unable to find any statistics on how many Connecticut residents were resurrected in 2016, but it would have to be around 7940. Is this one of those Pet Cemetery things where they come back and they ain’t quite right? Maybe this is the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, which would certainly suck for the rest of the people in Connecticut because their state won’t let them fully exercise their 2nd Amendment rights and everyone knows the only thing that stops a bad zombie without a gun is a good guy with a gun.

Murphy is using this ridiculous lie in an attempt to claim that his state’s draconian gun laws are directly responsible for a lower rate of gun deaths. There is no correlation between these two things. Florida is more populous state with more cities and more scumbags. Connecticut doesn’t have nearly the same problem with drugs and gangs as Florida does. If strict gun control laws resulted in lower gun death rates, Chicago and Baltimore would be the safest places on the planet.

While you can’t have 300% less of something, you can actually have 300% more. I did find some statistics that shows the Democratic Party is 300% worse for America than Republicans, gun grabbers are 300% more fascist than those who value freedom, and Chris Murphy is 300% more full of shit than people who tell the truth.