Luke Skywalker Wants To Rid The Galaxy Of All Male Leaders

Remember when Darth Vader chopped off Luke Skywalker’s hand? Well, it appears that the lightsaber nicked off a little more, namely Luke’s manhood. Skywalker portrayer Mark Hamill showed that he has secretly been living as a woman since that fateful encounter by endorsing a plan to rid the galaxy of all male leaders. I feel like this may be more of “daddy issue” kind of thing than actual beta male feminism. Spoiler Alert: Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father, plus Princess Leia is his sister and he made out with her.

A long time ago (Wednesday) in a galaxy far far away (Hollywood) Mark Hamill was angry that he had been born a man and tweeted this…

Middling-to-poor results? Can we get a fact-check here please? All of that civilization Hamill currently enjoys is a direct result of men being in charge. All the great cities and advances in technology, science, and medicine are because men were in charge. If women were in charge, they’d still be arguing about where to build the Pyramids because they clash with the Sphinx.

Hamill asks who’s with him on this one and I suspect he’s on his own. Well, I’m sure the hairy-armpitted women of third-wave feminism are with him, but that’s not great company to keep. Eventually they will turn on him and rip out what’s left of his scrotum.

Included with this insane plea, Hamill put up a picture of some of the new female members of Congress. It may surprise you to know that all of these women are democrats. Then again, maybe not. Certainly it may comes as a shock that everyone in the photo is a woman of color, right? Everyone knows that after the midterms liberals have declared white women the worst people to ever exist.

I have no idea who most of the women in that photo are, but I do recognize Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. If Hamill thinks these two insane women are going to lead us to a better more prosperous future, he’s crazier than they are. Socialism and Sharia Law are failures and putting them together isn’t going to yield better results.

Far from being on the path to enlightenment, we are all headed for disaster as reported by USA Today:

Last week, a record-breaking 102 women were elected to the House of Representatives. That historic number includes a handful of female veterans and other service candidates, many of whom befriended each other on the campaign trail, fundraised together and ultimately dubbed themselves “The Badasses,” creating a group text where they went to bond, compare strategies, share funny photos and vent.

Before anyone freaks out and calls me sexist for saying that we’re doomed because there are a ton of women in the House for the next Congress, the issue isn’t with their gender, but their political party:

The women, all Democrats, plan to extend that support to one another in Washington, D.C., where they hope to push each other through bad days at work and early-morning bootcamp workouts.

There are plenty of capable women, but (Jedi mind trick) these are not the leaders you’re looking for.

Meanwhile, I hope Mark Hamill can get some help with his crippling self-hatred. It’s simply not healthy to despise your own genitals this way.