‘Science’ Journal Claims No Scientific Basis For Only 2 Genders

In their morally and intellectually superior fantasy world, democrats claim to be the “party of science” while slamming Republicans for being anti-science. Of course these leftist nuts believe anti-scientific counter-intuitive things like global warming makes it cold in the winter and killing unborn babies saves lives, so they are obviously delusional. One of their biggest junk science beliefs is the that there are more than 2 genders and they just found a questionable scientific journal to back up this ridiculous claim.

Nature bills itself as an “International journal of science.” Anyone can call themselves whatever they like but it doesn’t make it true. In an effort to damage its reputation beyond repair, this alleged science journal published this hate crime on scientific knowledge and methodology: US proposal for defining gender has no basis in science

Yeah, actually it does. Defining gender is entirely based in science.

This anti-science article was written in reaction to the Trump administration’s efforts to legally define what science already has:

According to a draft memo leaked to The New York Times, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposes to establish a legal definition of whether someone is male or female based solely and immutably on the genitals they are born with. Genetic testing, it says, could be used to resolve any ambiguity about external appearance.

The memo claims that processes for deciding the sex on a birth certificate will be “clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable”.

A person born with a vagina is female, a person born with a penis is male, and those rare people born with both sets of genitals have to pick one because that’s all there is. This is not a catastrophe, it’s simple biology backed up by millions of years of evolution. Males and females couple to create more of the species. In humans, there are no third or forth options.

Nature calls this move by the Trump administration to state what is already a fact an effort to, “discriminate against people on the basis of their gender identity.”

The proposal — on which HHS officials have refused to comment — is a terrible idea that should be killed off. It has no foundation in science and would undo decades of progress on understanding sex — a classification based on internal and external bodily characteristics — and gender, a social construct related to biological differences but also rooted in culture, societal norms and individual behaviour. Worse, it would undermine efforts to reduce discrimination against transgender people and those who do not fall into the binary categories of male or female.

The two-gender system is based on the hard science of being able to prove things are real. Gender fluidity and transgenderism are based on leftist politics and can’t be proven at all. In fact, the author of this piece admits his gender claims are merely speculation:

Even more scientifically complex is a mismatch between gender and the sex on a person’s birth certificate. Some evidence suggests that transgender identity has genetic or hormonal roots, but its exact biological correlates are unclear.

Where is this evidence? The author can’t say because it doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t stop nonsense like this:

The idea that science can make definitive conclusions about a person’s sex or gender is fundamentally flawed…Furthermore, biology is not as straightforward as the proposal suggests.

Except that the biology of determining gender is fundamentally clear and staggeringly straight forward. When making a baby, the mother’s egg provides an X chromosome. The father fertilizes this egg by providing either a Y or X chromosome. An XX pairing makes a girl while an XY pairing makes a boy. Science has yet to discover the “Z” chromosome that makes men in dresses calling themselves “Lorena.”

The science of gender is not open to interpretation nor can it be changed by the whims of “woke” progressive liberal idiots. There are only two genders and anyone who claims differently is a flat-Earth-believing anti-science lunatic. Or as we call them: the Democratic Party.