Transgender Lesbian Complains About ‘Nonconsensual Puberty’

You had me at transgender lesbian. That headline has it all doesn’t it? A man pretending to be a woman who likes women and also thinks he/she was forced into puberty. It’s like the complete opposite of everything you ever learned in biology class. Liberals consider themselves the champions of science and this is proof of what kind of science they believe in. I’m pretty sure we call it “doc-doo science.”

As far as I can tell, April Daniels was born a biological male and now identifies as a female. In his/her Twitter bio he/she describes him/herself as a ‘lesbian witch.” To recap, he was born a male and likes women, which is what we would normally call being a dude. This however is far from a normal thing as science is sitting this one out.

Over the weekend there was a story about a woman in China who has a rare condition that makes her incapable of hearing a man’s voice, leaving the rest of her hearing intact. In reaction to that Daniels dropped this crazy AF thing:

There you have it: nonconsensual puberty. The basic gist of this tweet is that Daniel’s mother was transphobic for not stopping her son from going through puberty and giving him a man’s voice. Like I said, this story has everything and it’s all completely insane.

Naturally when Daniels posted that he/she was forced to go through puberty, other users pointed out that it is a naturally occurring biological function that just happens and can’t be stopped. Luckily Daniels had this complete bullshit explanation about how puberty is a crime parents commit against their children:

There you have it: unwanted puberty. And as a bonus, it’s evil to “let” kids go through puberty. From most people’s perspective it would be super-evil for a parent to give a prepubescent child hormone therapy to suppress puberty, but as I pointed out earlier, everything about this is the opposite of normalcy.

And, there’s a book coming about all of this:

Nobody thinks Daniels is arrogant, just insane. Actually, it’s probably arrogant for him/her to think anyone who is making fun of this puberty nonsense would ever read his/her book.

Speaking of which, if you think this gender-bender is a nut, he/she says you are delusional:

To reiterate, this is a man pretending to be a woman who is a lesbian that thinks puberty is a choice. But yeah, he’s totally grounded in reality while the rest of us are living in a fantasy world of naturally occurring puberty.

I have no idea how old Daniels is, but I can’t wait to hear about his/her nonconsensual male pattern baldness and enlarged prostrate. No doubt he/she will blame both of his “transphobic” parents for that nonconsensual Y chromosome.