Author Of CA ‘Sanctuary’ Law Offers Condolences To Cop Killed By Illegal Immigrant

This is just sick. The California State Senator who authored the state’s “sanctuary” law that forbids law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration officials has offered condolences to a cop who was killed by an illegal immigrant who would have been deported if not for that law. In other words the guy responsible for this officer’s death thinks his meaningless gesture washes the blood off of his hands, which it most certainly does not.

Earlier this week Police Cpl. Ronil Singh was murdered by illegal immigrant Gustavo Perez Arriaga in Newman, CA. Arriaga was known gang member who had been arrested twice for DUI. Under normal circumstances, a gang banger illegal immigrant being arrested for anything would be turned over to ICE for deportation proceedings. In California however, local law enforcement is forbidden by law for contacting ICE or granting their detainer requests.

If California was not a sanctuary state, Arriaga would have ben turned over to the feds and deported. Instead, he was set loose in California where he murdered a police officer. It’s not a stretch to say that California’s sanctuary state law is directly responsible for Ronil Singh’s death.

In fact, here’s Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson giving California lawmakers shit for passing a sanctuary law and blaming them directly for Officer Singh’s murder:

The actual law is called SB 54 and was authored and introduced by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon. This is a guy who either needs to STFU or issue a very sincere apology for his role in Officer Singh’s death. Instead, he went this route:

This is on par with Charles Manson sending a Christmas card to Sharon Tate’s family saying, “Sorry to hear about your loss.” It’s disgusting and insulting. De Leon essentially signed Officer Singh’s death warrant when he introduced SB 54 and I guarantee that the officer’s family takes no confront in this phony offer of condolences.

Also, what are the chances that it was Officer Singh’s dream to be gunned down by an illegal immigrant who should have been deported? I bet it’s somewhere around zero. This de Leon tweet is just horrible.

The stated purpose of California’s sanctuary law, and similar laws in other liberal places, is to make communities safer, which is just the kind of counterintuitive idiocy we’ve come to expect from the left. How does letting violent criminals run loose in the streets make communities safer? I guess it’s safer for illegal immigrant rapists and killers, but democrats always leave that part out when promoting these bullshit sanctuary policies.

Democrats are shitty people so it’s unlikely de Leon accepts any blame, but if he actually did feel bad about this, an appropriate reaction would be to repeal California’s sanctuary law so no other Americans are murdered by illegal immigrants. There’s would be no shame in him admitting he was wrong, but as long as continues to stand by SB 54, he is complicit every time an illegal immigrant rapes or murders someone in the state.