Democrat Brad Sherman Moves To Impeach President Trump

That was fast. The democrats just took control of the House of Representatives and they’re already trying to impeach President Trump. All that stuff they said during the midterm elections about building the middle class was just a cover for their real agenda of undoing the will of the American people. And what exactly are they planning on impeaching Trump for? With Nancy Pelosi back in charge, presumably they’ll have to impeach him first to find out what impeachable offense they think he is guilty of.

The Los Angeles Times reports that California democrat Brad Sherman is expected to introduce articles of impeachment the second Pelosi gets her boney skeleton hands on the Speaker’s gavel.

Rep. Brad Sherman plans to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday, the first day of Democratic control of the House.

Sherman (D-Northridge) is reintroducing a measure that he first rolled out in 2017. But this year it carries more political significance: The decision of whether to act on it rests with Democrats — not Trump’s Republican allies.

Unlike Rep. Maxine Waters who wants to invent a charge against Trump or Rep. Al Green who wants to impeach him for racism, Sherman has a reason, albeit it a stupid one, for introducing the articles.

Sherman’s articles of impeachment accuse Trump of obstructing justice by firing former FBI Director James B. Comey, among other wrongdoing.

Is he serious? Remember when democrats hated James Comey because they said he cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 election? Face it, Comey is an incompetent boob. No matter who won the last election, he was getting fired.

“There is no reason it shouldn’t be before the Congress,” Sherman said.

There’s actually several reasons why it shouldn’t be before the Congress and the biggest one is that it’s not a crime for the President of the United States to fire the head of the FBI. Bill Clinton did it and he wasn’t impeached over it. Sure, he was impeached for lying about his cigar habits, but President Trump doesn’t smoke so this is a non-issue.

“Every day, Donald Trump shows that leaving the White House would be good for our country,” said Sherman.

The millions of Americans who are back to work would disagree that Trump is showing he needs to leave the White House. I think what Sherman meant to say was that every day Trump does a kick-ass job as President it shows how shitty of a job Barack Obama did on the economy.

Pelosi has said that she isn’t interested in pursuing impeachment unless the Robert Mueller investigation turns up some malfeasance, but she’s a lying sack of crap. Now that she has the Speaker’s gavel back, chances are she’ll let democrat-controlled House run with this ridiculous thing that will be laughed out of existence but the Republican-controlled Senate.

This is actually great news for Trump and the Republicans because it forces the democrats’ hand. They will now have to vote on impeaching the freely-elected President, which will show the American people how unserious the democrats are about running the country. If the impeachment effort fails, it vindicates Trump, and if it succeeds, the democrats will definitely lose their majority in the House in 2020.

Trump Derangement Syndrome as a form of governance is as silly as it sounds and the American people will respond at the ballot box. If Brad Sherman is itching to get rid of something, he should introduce articles of impeachment against his face.

Wow, what a weird looking dude he is. That has to be some kind of high crime, right?