Merriam-Webster Gives The Word ‘Girl’ A Transgender Makeover

During her confirmation hearings Supreme Court Justice Ketanjie Brown-Jackson said she couldn’t define what a woman is because she isn’t a biologist. It turns out you don’t need a degree in biology, you just need to work for a woke dictionary. Merriam-Webster has redefined what it means to be male and female with a transgender makeover.

All the hormone therapies, wang-removal surgeries, and crying in the world can’t turn a man into a woman but the Merriam-Webster dictionary can. Check out this stealthily edited definition for girl:

A person whose gender identity is female? So they’ve ditched “trans” altogether? Now some one with a big hairy penis can be a girl according to the dictionary.

They did the same thing with boy:

Merriam-Webster continued this madness with their new definitions of male and female:

: having a gender identity that is the opposite of female

: having a gender identity that is the opposite of male

Here’s where it gets weird: as of this writing, they haven’t changed the definitions of man and woman to reflect their interest in transgender grooming. Girls have penises, boys have vaginas, but men and women are still biologically accurate.

And grooming this is. Under Merriam-Webster’s definition of gender identity, they give examples of it being used in sentences and boy did the pick some agenda-driven sentences:

Employees should be encouraged to use the facilities which best conform to their gender identity.Katie Lynch, Forbes, 12 July 2022

So the same people who don’t trust teachers to choose which books to assign their kids or to talk with them about gender identity also want them to be trained in crisis marksmanship?Petula Dvorak, Washington Post, 26 May 2022

The conflict is unfolding as teaching about gender identity in public schools has joined other politically fraught, divisive debates, including on critical race theory, social emotional learning and vaccine mandates for COVID-19.Los Angeles Times, 11 May 2022

Here’s a better use of “gender identity” in a sentence: Gender identity is a form of mental illness where a person thinks he or she is the opposite gender they were born with.

They even got to the pronouns:

pronouns plural : the third person personal pronouns (such as he/him, she/her, and they/them) that a person goes by

… many people with nonbinary genders use “they” and “their” pronouns, although language and gender expression vary widely.— Lucy Brisbane

Since there are only 2 genders, there are only 2 sets of pronouns. This is insanity.

For some reason, these seems appropriate here:

“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.” – Philip K. Dick

“Control language and you control thought; control thought and you control action; control action and you control the world.” – Peter Kreeft

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” – George Orwell.

The whole point of this is to control the people and demonize the dissenters. Twitter will suspend users who do not accept the fantasy that men can be women and women can be men. People are literally cancelled for stating the biological fact that men cannot get pregnant.