Lady Gaga Says Mike Pence Is The Worst Christian Ever

Perverted weirdo Lady Gaga feels that being morally depraved qualifies her to judge the quality of other people’s Christian faith. In her estimation, Vice president Mike Pence is the worst possible Christian because his wife took a job teaching art to children. Confused? Well, the Second Lady will be teaching at private Catholic school that doesn’t allow homosexuality and according to Lady GaGa anything but open gay orgies is anti-Christian somehow.

There was plenty of manufactured liberal outrage last week and one of the bigger ones was that Karen Pence took a part-time job teaching art at Immanuel Christian School. The private Catholic school requires employees and students to sign a pledge that they will refrain from homosexuality, which is wholly consistent with Catholicism. But this involves a Pence, which is close to a Trump, so it was suddenly outrageous.

Mike Pence actually addressed the liberal media frenzy over his faith saying, “To see major news organizations attacking Christian education is deeply offensive to us.”

At her show at the MGM in Las Vegas, Lady Gaga decided her fans needed some politics to go long with the shitty music they paid way too much to hear. She started out by demanding that Donald Trump, who she called “the f*cking President” reopen the government. She then turned her attention to the Vice President:

“And to Mike Pence who thinks that it’s OK that his wife works at a school that bans LGBTQ. You are wrong. You say you should not discriminate against Christianity? You’re the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian,” said Gaga.

I can think of worse Christians that super-pious Mike Pence. What about Bill and Hillary Clinton? They call themselves Christians and they rape and kill people.

“I am a Christian woman, and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice and everybody is welcome,” she continued.

As a Christian woman, she must be familiar with the Bible, AKA the Christian instruction manual, which takes a decidedly dim view of homosexuality. God was always reigning fire and brimstone on the sodomites and even flooded the entire world to wipe out those sinners. That hardly seems like a welcome mat for man-on-man butt stuff.

“So you can take all that disgrace, Mr. Pence, and look yourself in the mirror and you’ll find it right there,” said Gaga.

So he’s a disgrace for being a good Christian who is married to another good Christian? How does that work out? The Catholic church is not like some of these progressive new-agey Methodist sects, in that they do not recognize or accept homosexuality. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are both Catholic. Where’s the fainting and hysteria that they hate gays every time they attend services at a Catholic church? Oh yeah, I forgot, it’s because it involves Mike Pence, which means it involves Donald Trump so it’s horrible.