Fauxcahontas Gives Cherokee Nation 1/1024th Of An Apology

Elizabeth Warren has long claimed to have Native American heritage and more specifically that her mother was a Cherokee Indian. This has been debunked so many times, but she’s always stuck to her tomahawks that she’s really an Indian princess, even after a DNA test proved she has less American Indian blood than the whitest European. Now that she’s running for president, she realizes her lie may hurt her chances, so she has apologized to the Cherokee Nation, sort of. She apologized for the DNA test, not that she spent most of her life pretending to be Cherokee, which qualifies as 1/1024th of an apology.

Warren used her bogus Native American heritage to advance her academic career and was even promoted as a minority hire. Her charade came crashing down when about a million different sources from genealogists to tribal experts proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’s a white woman of European heritage. Nevertheless she persisted and still claimed to be American Indian so President Trump double-dog dared her to take a DNA test.

She fell for the trap and even released a video proclaiming that the test vindicated her. It however actually revealed that she’s about 1/1024 percent Native American, which is another way to say she’s definitely not Native American at all.

With her doomed-to-fail 2020 presidential bid, Warren has been trying to clean up the mess in her house. First, she made the stunning admission that she’s actually white, which came as a shock to no one other than she finally admitted it. Then, as reported by The Intercept, she reached out to the Cherokee Nation to apologize:

Warren has been in touch with Cherokee Nation leadership, apologizing for furthering confusion over issues of tribal sovereignty and citizenship and for any harm her announcement caused, two sources with knowledge of her overture said. The Warren campaign declined to comment.

The gist of this apology is that Warren is sorry for taking a DNA test and claiming that it meant she was part of the Cherokee Nation, however distantly. She is not however apologizing for a lifetime of culturally appropriating the Cherokee Nation. She isn’t apologizing for pretentening to be Native American, she’s sorry she took the DNA test. From where I stand, this isn’t close to an actual apology, but apparently the Cherokee Nation took it as one:

“Senator Warren has reached out to us and has apologized to the tribe. We are encouraged by this dialogue and understanding that being a Cherokee Nation tribal citizen is rooted in centuries of culture and laws not through DNA tests. We are encouraged by her action and hope that the slurs and mockery of tribal citizens and Indian history and heritage will now come to an end,” said Cherokee Nation executive director of communications Julie Hubbard.

Let’s see if I have this straight: The Cherokee Nation has accepted this non-apology and hope that it stops people from making fun of Warren for pretending to be Native American? This is really dumb from both sides.

Nobody is making fun of Elizabeth Warren because she is Cherokee, it’s because she isn’t. If she pretended to Hispanic, President Trump would call her “Señorita Warenez” and if she pretended to be Asian, he’d call her “Erizabeth Larren.” This has nothing to do with slandering Native Americans, other than Warren’s own offense.