Zero Straight Answers When Dems Asked If They Will Confiscate Guns

It’s a very straight forward question: Will you confiscate guns? It was asked of the 2020 democratic party candidates so that means there were no straight forward answers. Even weirder, many of these democrats have gun control platforms that call for confiscating guns, but when asked about it they were all over the place. Getting a straight answer out of a democrat is harder than coming up with an analogy to demonstrate how hard it is to get a straight answer from a democrat.

Wednesday was the B-list democratic candidate debate and at some point moderator Chuck “Sleepy Eyes” Todd asks them basically if they would ban guns and then confiscate them from law-abiding Americans.

Elizabeth Warren went first and pretended to almost cry when she said some random little girl asked her how she can be kept safe from guns. From there is a long rant that didn’t come close to answering the question. Chuck Todd interrupted her twice, demanding that she actually answer the question.

“Do you think the federal government needs to go out and get the guns that are already out there?” Todd asked.

“What we need to do is treat it like a serious research problem, which we have not done,” blurted Warren.


This answer was so off-the-wall that Told moved the question to Cory Booker, who does have a plan to confiscate guns. Big mistake.

“I hear gunshots in my neighborhood. I think I’m the only one, I hope I’m the only one on this panel here that had 7 people shot in their neighborhood just last week,” replied Booker.


Julian Castro, who claimed at another point during the debate that biological men need abortions, answered the question by saying his 10-year-old daughter should be scared shitless of getting shot in school. What a dad.

Tim Ryan also didn’t answer the question, but nobody even knows who he is so who cares?

Beto O’Rourke was up next and it seemed like he was saying that he had confiscated guns in Texas. He might have been talking about something else, it’s hard to tell with him. After saying that AR-15s are “weapons of war” that have no place in our communities, O’Dork pushed this lie:

“And what I found in each one of those 254 counties [in Texas] is that democrats, independents, and Republicans, gun owners and no gun owners alike agreed,” said O’Rourke.

Suffice it to say, O’Rourke never actually answered whether he would confiscate guns if he were elected president.

Amy Klobuchar came the closest to answering the question. Todd asked her about a gun “buy back” in which the government bans guns and forces people to turn them in or be arrested.

“Well that’s not confiscation. You give them the offer to buy back the gun,” said Klobuchar with a smirk.

But if we don’t accept the offer we go to jail and lose our guns anyways. Doesn’t that sound like confiscation? Also, since I didn’t buy any of my guns from the government it would be impossible for them to buy them back. That’s Economics 101.

Klobuchar also didn’t answer the question but she did say something about her dick hurting. Go figure.

They skipped over some of the lesser-know losers including NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio probably because they figured there was no way to get a straight answer from a democrat.

I would have liked to see the moderators asks these dems what time it is:

“When I was a little girl, my daddy took me for ice cream and I witnessed first hand the inequality caused by the big banks because the clock at the parlor was made by a heartless corporation that doesn’t pay its employees a living wage,” replied Elizabeth Warren.

“My neighborhood was so poor we only had one broken clock that was right three times a day,” said Booker. “Maybe it was two times, I’m lying.

“Once on a road trip to a holistic mud bath festival I met an immigrant shaman who inspired me to make my own time and most Texans agree that we are better than the rigid structuralism of clocks,” Beto O’Rouke mused.

“Time is what I say it is and maybe if I bounce a clock off your skull you’ll understand that,” screamed Amy Klobuchar.

Anyone who can’t answer a simple question with a straight answer can’t be trusted. I know there are several of you who are shocked that democrats are lying sacks of shit, but it’s true. They are evasive because what they believe in is indefensible.