Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! Monday is now over but Tuesday still kinda sucks doesn’t it?

2020 Democrats Push Left

By Ben Garrison

The Democrat Party has been drifting leftward for over a century.

Woodrow Wilson allowed private central bankers to take over the money supply. That’s an important plank in the “Communist Manifesto.” The progressive income tax that came with the Federal Reserve is another plank.

Franklin Roosevelt pushed us further into socialism. So did LBJ with his big government ‘Great Society’ programs.

The Clintons arrived and began to dismantle our country. Jobs were sent overseas and the middle class declined. Nowadays most millennials can’t afford a home and the American dream. This makes them more susceptible to the socialist siren song.

The Skull & Bones Bushes started wars and ushered in open borders globalism. Under the red diaper baby Obama, the destruction of the USA picked up the pace with government controlled healthcare.

The Democrat Party is now openly moving lockstep toward outright socialism. Bernie Sanders is a communist masquerading as a socialist and ‘independent.’ If he does not run for the Democrat nomination, then he’ll run as third party candidate.

This would effectively end the Democrat’s chances for the presidency.

The rest of the candidates are unabashed socialists calling for open borders and ‘free stuff.’ Joe Biden might not be as far left as the others, but he’s very old and, well, creepy. It’s unlikely that he’ll gain much momentum.

This brings me to Hillary Clinton. She will most likely run again and claim to be a traditional, reasonable, and ‘centrist’ sort of Democrat. She has plenty of money and she’ll be seen as the wise voice of common sense. What she still represents, of course, is Deep State globalism and corruption. She’ll continue Obama’s destruction of America.

The Democrats will not win the presidency with their promises of ‘free stuff.’ Thinking people know it leads to destruction. Our Republic stands for freedom and individual rights. Socialism takes liberty away. If the Democrats want to push their party over the cliff of socialism, we will gladly wave goodbye.

As President Trump stated in his State of the Union Address, “America is not a socialist country.”

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Embrace of reparations highlights pivotal Dem contest for black voters

Via The Hill

The most competition for black voters’ support in recent memory is set to take place among the candidates vying for the Democratic Party’s nomination to take on President Trump.

African-American voters for years have been a key constituency in the Democratic race, helping to assure former President Obama’s and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s nominations in 2008 and 2016, respectively.

But the fight this year promises to be even more frenetic given the number of top-tier candidates in the race and the fact that a clear front-runner has yet to emerge.

Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro have all backed reparations to compensate African-Americans for slavery, a big shift that points to a leftward tilt in this year’s race and the importance of winning over black voters.

Read the entire article HERE.

Left’s Latest Demand: Race-Based Reparations

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Having embraced “Medicare-for-all,” free college tuition and a Green New Deal that would mandate an early end of all oil, gas and coal-fired power plants, the Democratic Party’s lurch to the left rolls on.

Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren both called last week for race-based reparations for slavery.

“Centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, legal discrimination and segregation, and discrimination that exist today have led to a systemic wealth gap between black and white Americans,” Harris told The New York Times. “I’m serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in black communities.”

Echoed Sen. Warren: “We must confront the dark history of slavery and government-sanctioned discrimination in this country.” This history has crippled “the ability of black families to build wealth in America for generations.”

That black Americans are handicapped by their history in this country, and cannot accumulate wealth as easily, and require compensatory reparations for slavery and segregation, is more than a controversial assertion.

Are the Democrats going to say this in their national platform in 2020? And how much will be the rest of America be forced to pay, and for how long?

Read the entire article HERE.

Rush Limbaugh: Democrats too afraid to ‘push back’ against AOC

Via The Washington Examiner

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said Monday no one will “push back” against freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., which he argued is stunting the 29-year-old’s growth as a politician.

“She routinely demonstrates her ignorance,” Limbaugh said on his radio program. “I’m trying to be nice here. I’m not calling it stupidity, although — but I’m not. I’m gonna chalk it up to ignorance. She has nobody that pushes back on her. There’s not a soul anywhere that will push back on her. Therefore, there’s no pressure for this woman to mature. There is no pressure for her to grow up.”

As a consequence, Limbaugh said Ocasio-Cortez has been “ratified and confirmed” as she is, and therefore is “tremendously deficient in terms of, I think, maturity development and intellectual development because she gets these accolades and star status treatment, there’s no reason for her to continue to grow.”

Read the entire article HERE.

The University of Diversity Is Destroying America

Via American Greatness

America’s educational system is breaking, and the primary culprits are the diversity bureaucracy, now an industrial strength special-interest group that grows more powerful and more expansive every year. For years they have dominated America’s social sciences and humanities, and now they’re launching an assault on the hard sciences. If they are not stopped, they eventually will destroy America as a first-world democracy.

They’re well on their way. But it isn’t “racism”—the currency of the diversocrats—that is denying opportunities to “people of color.” It is failures in the social culture of the inner cities, even more than aggregate economic disadvantages, or the lousy, unionized public schools, that result in the chronic academic underachievement of their children.

There’s no money to be made, or votes to be had, however, in telling this tough truth, even though it might do a lot of good if enough people said it or heard it. The commitment to “diversity” in American university enrollment is absolute and all-powerful, despite the incessant barrage of lavishly funded charges to the contrary emanating from the grievance industry. To achieve diversity, university admissions offices strive to achieve proportional representation by race, and to do that, they downgrade the significance of the single most predictive indicator of academic potential, the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).

Read the entire article HERE.

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